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"Are you truly capable of accomplishing what you just said?" Geto questioned with slight doubt, slender fingers drumming against the metal table while inspecting the girl that was sitting in front of him.

Three days ago, she had stopped Jogo who was on his way back from patrolling the surrounding area, catching him off guard with a single tap on the shoulder. In those seconds, Jogo had interpreted her sudden touch as a threat to own his life, pushing him to activate his technique in order to kill whoever had just touched him.

Any entity like him knew from the moment they came into existence that no human was supposed to see them unless they were on the verge of death. This was an innate principle etched into their soul, one that would accompany them for the rest of their life.

His delayed reaction to the unwanted touch was all due to the arrogance that had embedded itself on his mind in those seconds. Those beings that called themselves humans.

One had dared to touch him.

The whole block would have bursted up into flames if she hadn't immobilized his entire body. She had left him with no space to attack or defend himself.


"I want to speak with Geto."

Those were the words she had said after releasing Jogo from her grasp, calmly standing beside him while he struggled to maintain his composure. It was a request for a person everyone knew had disappeared and no longer roamed amongst the living.

For Jogo, this question came embedded with an air of hostility, one he was not willing to take if it meant risking his future plans. No one knew of his existence other than whoever Geto himself disclosed it to, making the situation quite unsettling once Jogo had told everyone of the encounter he had shared with the girl while being outside. None of them had any idea of who she was or where she came from, perplexing Geto who came to learn he was the target of her request. It was enough to put all of them on edge since there was a possibility she was setting them into a trap.

By their unanimous vote, it was decided Mahito would meet up with the girl before they could reveal anything that could put them in danger or risk the exposure of Geto's existence.

Following Geto's plan, Mahito had met her in the Shibuya shopping center. An area brimming with human life no matter the time of the day, beneficial for Mahito in case he had to create a distraction to escape. Both dressed in dark clothes and with the night sky obscuring their faces, Mahito had scanned the girl from top to bottom, dissecting every detail in her outer appearance to find any signs of weakness.

She was a blank piece of paper.

Mouth curving up into a lopsided smile, Mahito had looked up from the ground to finally gaze into the eyes of the girl, surprised to see she had lacked the response of fear most made when they saw him.
He had learned to recognize that only strong sorcerers gazed back without fear.

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