I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore...

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*Dream POV*

The plan has gone on perfectly, but one of the things that is happening, we did not anticipate. To expect that Quackity wanted the Revive book, but I didn't know. I didn't know that I didn't know people changed so much. I didn't know that people are attracted to power as flies are attracted to light.

If I had known, I wouldn't have done it. If I had known, I wouldn't have tried. I would've kept what I had but suffering aside I've found a friend and a lover, and that's enough.

The lava started to recede. A figure approaching the cell, as I just languished upon the obsidian floors, watching them get closer.

"Oh Dreamy~! I missed you! Didn't you?" Quackity said with a menacing smile.

I couldn't talk as my throat was parched for days. I couldn't think as this had been going on for months. I couldn't see that well either, as the lava and dirty water was finally affecting my eyes. The only thing I could do quite well was smell and feel. I couldn't walk anymore as my legs have scars that descriptions will not do justice.

I couldn't reply and I wouldn't play this silly game the devil had planned out for me. For his entertainment, and pleasure, using us as his pawns in this big game of chess. Even though I may be a pawn, I can make my move, one square at a time and I will.

"Oh, cat got your tongue Dreamy~?" Quackity drawled as he slowly wandered over to me.

He prodded my waist with his boot, and I slightly winced. Sam hadn't come over to treat my injuries in weeks. I had a suspicion Quackity or He had a play in this. Whatever they may throw at me I will stay strong, well as strong as I can be, and I will get to the end.

"Not so powerful now huh? All that bark you threw at us, where has it all gone now? Where has your bite gone?" He taunted.

Wow, he is quite annoying sometimes.

"Why." He kicked me in my side. "Can't talk? What's wrong, no more power?"

It's not his fault. He doesn't know. They don't know. Stay strong. Stay strong for them.

A blaze of gold fell over my eyes, and it seemed as if I was melting into a different reality. A soft breeze was lazily floating past me. Too scared to accept that this was real, I just lay there in the grass. Where the grass came from, I don't know. A blinding light such as the sunset was on the horizon of this illusion. Along with the breeze several petals and leaves rained around me. Carried buy the wind they lay on top of me to comfort me. Some blades of grass were brushing my cheek, as if to wipe the tears that tears that were involuntarily flowing from my emotionless gaze.

When had I been moved onto my back? I gazed at the pink sky above me with the patches of clouds going along with the light breeze. It's as if I could feel my heartbeat radiating all along my body. I was taking deep breaths. Even if this was Death, I don't want to go yet. I yet have things to do, people re-meet.

This illusion was going on for a while. The sky was slowly receding to a purple shade and everywhere a shadow fell. Just as the moon was about to rise, my arm was caught off guard by the blistering heat that now entangled my right leg. Ahh, there it was.

Quackity was probably trying to get him to speak but all he could feel inside this false reality was pain. Pain brought out from reality.

Slowly the obsidian roof of his cells started to re-appear. Slowly bidding my farewells to the vision he was given; I felt another stab of pain in my side. A dagger probably.


That was Probably Quackity calling him. I am probably just staring into nothing at the moment. I felt hands pat me down and look through the two pockets in my jumpsuit. Quackity is probably looking for the revival book that is in my possession.

A slap fell upon my cheek, and I managed to look into the eyes of a maniac.

He was saying something to me, but I don't think I can understand him at all.

Another slap.

The only hope I seem at the moment would be to contain my energy by sleeping every hour until Sam comes back to heal me or, I daresay, Punz and Techno bail me out.

The plan must go through, but I can't help hoping for them to come and get me back.

I gently let my eyes go slack and let the stray tears roll down my cheek. For a moment, my metal prison was brought back to me. The green sting adorning my wrists as I was a puppet to be handled, while the puppet master got his share of action.

I was strung above the ground of that prison watching as my body was being controlled as the puppet master wants.

Finally, this vision was fading away slowly, and the darkness was slowly starting to fall into a hopefully deep slumber.

I hope that my lover and loyal friend and cuddle partner won't admit it but I he likes it, to come and get me.

Hopefully I will have some Dreams of the lovely field again, if it isn't a trick or ploy. 

A/N - Please give all credit of the art to the Artist.

A/N - Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Stay Safe and Be Happy!!!    :3

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