The Preparation ...

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A/N - This is just a cute picture. Please give all credit to the artist please.

*Techno POV*

Punz had finally calmed down and I was in the kitchen, making us both some breakfast and some coffee. He was probably dozing in his and Dream's bed. Today, the plan is to gather resources and info to get into the prison and get Dream back.

I have already been to prison once and I can confirm that it's not right. The prisoners... well, it's only dream so, prisoner, isn't being taken care of. I already knew that they were torturing him.

Dream's stupid soul, too pure for this world and server.


I looked to my right to see Punz rubbing his eye. His hair was messed up, and he was wearing one of his old shirts that Dream stole, or in Dream's words, borrowed.

"G'mornin." I huffed. "Would you like eggs or bacon?"

"I'll take eggs." He said as he lumbered over to the kitchen island and slumped on the counter.

"So, what are we getting today?" He asked me.

"I will get potions, gear and g'apples, I'll try to find some enchanted g'aps too. You will somehow need get back near the prison and get the map or like, blueprints of the prison."

"Techno. Dream helped make the prison so, we just have to find his copy."

"Oh... I swear I'm smart. I promise." I said, in a joking manner.

He smiled. "Sure."

"... Are you gonna say jk?" Punz???"

He laughed fully now, almost choking on his coffee. "Ok, imma head out now. I will go get the potions and the stuff; you try to find Dream's copy of the prison blueprints."

I stood up, gave Punz a little hug. "Don't worry. We'll get him back and he'll be ok."

"Thank you, Techno. You're a true friend."

"Of course, I will! I'm the literal symbol loyalty!"

"Yes, you are, big man." He said, giving me a tight squeeze.

"Ill be back tonight with everything we need, get some food, don't forget.''

And with that I left him in my kitchen, with a cup of coffee in his hand.

I went to the stable, got Carl and I planned to head to the village to trade with the cleric to get all the ingredients and use his own brewing stand. Infinite money!!!

*Punz POV*

I sipped the coffee techno gave me and slowly chewed the eggs he made for me. Techno is such a softy and even if he won't admit it to us, he misses Dream.

I stood up and went to our room in the House. Dream of has one chest where he kept some of the items that he doesn't use that often, but they are still important to him. If the blueprints were anywhere, they had to be in this chest.

I opened up the chest and a humongous cloud of dust billowed from the inside of it.

Inside were many things that I hadn't seen in a long time, that was nostalgic. He... He has the rocks I gave to him when we were kids! There was the gold necklace that a techno gave him, it broke, and he was so sad. Techno made him a new one, but he still has the old broken one.

There was some old drawing, some wilted flower crowns, a red and blue gem necklace, probably from Sapnap and George. They are not in my good books.

And the very bottom, probably cause Dream has a love hate relationship with it, were the blueprints.

They were, White lines were etched to form a map of the whole prison and luckily, the main prison cell was also marked.

Every feature and secret room of the prison was also written down behind the blue sheet of paper.

All I had to do now was to wait until Techno came back to figure out a plan to get Daydream out of this prison. It's kind of revolting to think that Dream was put in his own prison, even though it's not quite his.

I heard some light footsteps behind me, so I held out my hand behind me. As I thought, it was Patches, our cat. She had sauntered over to our room as I left the door open.

"Hi purr baby..." I smiled as she climbed onto my lap and started purring, as she is quite an affectionate cat.

As if to reassure me, she kept nudging my hand and purring constantly, she licked my hand and gave me a smile to my face.

"Well get him back precious, I know it. As soon as we get him back, he'll be fine. We'll be fine."

A/N - Hope you guys enjoyed! Stay Safe and Be Happy!!!             :3

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