shameless pt 2

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Shame. Shame.
The heat of it prickles
Picks and pulls
Away at my skin.

Its dissecting gaze
Takes apart my body
And its parts, my self
And its humanity

Shame. Shame.
I am the latest
In its collection
Of taxidermied victims.

As they should be"

Shame. Shame.
Unrelenting hate
Eroding away
My autonomy

All that is left,
All that is wanted,
Is my rudimentary form
And its rudimentary norms

Shame. Shame.
Poisoning how you see me.
Sick. Mutant.
In need of your rescue.

Your prescription?
To be trapped, conserved
In a body that you say
Doesn't belong to me.

Shame. Shame.
Stuffing, suffocating
Pushing my guts out
Caging me in my skin

"It's for the best,"
is what you'll say
"To go against nature,
What evil would manifest?"

Shame. Shame.
Don't you feel it?
Don't you see?
It's you.

To entrap a person
In the expectations
Of their form
That's what nature wants?

Shame. Shame.
Nature has no order.
It is wild, confusing,

To be born unrefined,
To metamorphosise
To shed your skin
Is how nature thrives.

Shame. Shame.
Its corrupting whispers,
Your taxidermist gaze
Cannot stifle my nature.

You can either
Cut me free or see
My skin split itself open,
Tearing apart your seams.

Watch in horror
As my blood blooms
Washing my flesh
Free of your influence

I will rip myself free
Of your shameful work
Your unnatural ideas
Your righteous delusion.

The form you tried
To preserve, I'll consume
To regrow the parts
You hollowed out

I will feed on the shame
You hold so dear
Delight as my rage
Gorges on your fear

Much like a vaccine
Latches onto a plague
To forge its defenses
And reject disease

I will cleanse my body,
My veins, my heart,
My lungs and my bones,
Of the stain of your bigotry.

Puff out your chest,
Scream what you think,
I will watch in scorn
The way you shrink

For the truth is
This whole time
You were just
A pathetic obstacle.

Meant to be crushed,
Conquered, devoured,
In name of what always was
My most enlightened form.

And oh, how wonderful it is,
To feel my lungs blossom
With each ravenous breath
Of air so new and fresh.

To feel my veins flower,
To hear my skin sing,
With each pump of ichor
From my newly beating heart.

Cry monster, abomination,
As much, as long, as you want
I am nature’s most inspiring work
Inscrutable and enchanting.

Nothing can erode or drown,
The hymn pouring loudly,
Proudly, from the temple
That is this body.

My body, and mine alone.
To live in shamelessly,
Freely, harmoniously
For as long as I breathe.

Soon you will realise
It is only you entrapped
By your own hate
And poisonous bigotry.

Either learn to cut yourself free
Or continue to atrophy
Into nothing but a spoil,
A rot, on human existence.

While I walk away and live my life fully,
Sparing you nothing but a glance of pity.

Not even the soil can turn your decay worthy.

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