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Hey ladies and gentleman, I've decided to write a story about some past experiences. I'm not sure how often I'll update, but stay tuned!

The evil, it spreads, like the sun to the moon. No one can stop it, it's just apart of the human race. No matter how good we try to be, there's always someone who ends up ruining it all. The tiniest action could cause a tsunami of problems, and that's where I come in. I was born in 2008, the accident of my family. I've always been, ignored, not abused, at least not physically. I love my parents, I always will. But God damn me if I say they haven't hurt me. I still live with them, not by choice. I'm in high school, trying to get my diploma so I can just get out of there. I'm honestly sick of this neglect, I get ignored so often that I rarely get to eat dinner unless I make it. Luckily, my sister taught my how to cook at a young age. When I was still liked anyways. I know, I know, this is one of the dumb and fake sounding stories, but trust in my word that it's true.

I know my other stories I've started, I probably won't finish. But I'm trying to get this off my chest without too much attention y'know? It's just so damn hard, even if it doesn't seem that way. When I was younger, I was the most extroverted kid you'd ever see. Now I'm so introverted I rarely even speak to my best friend of seven years. It sucks, and I hate myself for it. I know it's probably not my fault for ending up this way, but you all know how it is. I'm still going to blame myself, even if I know who really caused it. I'm the problem child, I'll always blame myself for ever inconvenience and every bad thing that happens in this dreaded life of mine.

I'm rather sure some can relate to me, and some may never come close to realizing how this feels. But I want every single person that reads this, Child or adult, please never give up. Don't ever ever think that your life is so awful that you need to end it all. I've been down the same road, but I've come to realize the beauty in my dreadful life. Not in humans, not in nature, but just life itself. We all were born, with or without a purpose. We were born. Life is a gift, many go their whole lives without realizing it. But let me tell you, even if you aren't smart, even if you don't have friends. You. Are. Special. At least to me. My life has gone down hill ever since I was born, but that's okay. I can use my experience to help unfortunate souls like my own. But never fall down the depressive hole I did, seek help. Whether it's a school counselor to a therapist, or even something as simple as a friend! Anything helps, as long as you try. If you can't do it for yourself, or your family, at least do it for me. And if ANY of you need to vent, or just get something off your chest, I'm all ears.

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