Talk Your Mind

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Back baby 😋

  It's been a hot minute, but I am glad to be back and writing with you guys! So, as you know from the previous little chapter, I am here if you ever need to talk or get things off your chest, Ill do my best to respond to everyone.

  Things have got better for me! Well, sorta. My family have began to include me in things again, so hurray! But, in some unfortunate news, I have moved away from my home town. I, honestly, hate it out here, the people are jackasses, and I don't mean to sound rude, but people out here do not care what you think. But, that's just how people are. And, if you can't change em, then oh well. Not everyone is good, it's just how life is. People can be cruel, kind, or downright evil. I've seen the better and the worse, and I'm happy to say that most of it has been better.

  Despite this, I am aware others are not as fortunate as I, and I'm sorry. It'll get better, maybe not now, but later. It's different for everyone, yet also similar. An old soul trapped within a young body knows to expect the worst, and are prepared for the bullets ahead. But sometimes, you need to let yourself relax and get everything off your mind. And that's why Im writing this now. I'm aware it won't be popular, and I'm fine with that, I'm just hoping it'll help whoever comes across it.

  I'm not the best person, I'm not the worst person either. I try my best, and you guys should too. Even when it gets tough, or when you just wanna give up, don't. Trust me, it'll build your residence and your maturity.

  This one is short, I know, I'm a little busy, but I'll try and post new chapters as soon as I can. Have a lovely morning, evening, night.

  Remember to sleep, eat, love yourself as much as others and as much as I do. Bye bye love bugs, stay healthy, alive, and don't give up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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