Chapter 4

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I can hear the front door open again. You can hear my brother's voice and those of his friends downstairs, it's going to be a fun night.

It's nine o'clock and I'm getting hungry. I put on a sweater and open my door, the smell of cigarette smoke, weed, and alcohol comes right up my nose. The music is loud, very loud. I squeeze past people down the stairs into the kitchen, thankfully, there's no one in here.

I close the door behind me and walk to the fridge to get the leftover's from lunch. I take a pan off the shelf and put the rice from the leftover's in there. Suddenly the door opens and someone stumbles into the kitchen...Descamps.

"Oh salut, Louise. What are you doing here, why aren't you partying with us?" he looks at me questioning, and comes closer and closer to me. I stand by the stove and hold a spoon in one hand and a cigarette in the other, I look up at him as he suddenly stands right in front of me. He slowly raises his hand until his fingers slowly wrap around mine. We keep eye contact the whole time, he gets closer and closer to my face, I feel him slowly taking the cigarette out of my fingers. He puts it between his lips and takes a drag, he slowly blows the smoke into my face, he takes another drag. I stand as if I'm frozen, my eyes observe every single one of his movements. He slowly raises his hand again puts the cigarette between my fingers and looks into my eyes with raised eyebrows. "I asked you something!"

I'm stunned. I don't know why, but I can't get out a word. "That looks delicious! Can I have a bit? I'm starving!" Only now I realize that Descamps is drunk, he slightly tumbles in front of me back and forth. "Um...yes...if you want..., the plates are up there." I point to one of the kitchen shelves. Descamps reaches up there, takes out a plate, goes to the stove, and puts some of the rice on the plate. He sits down at the table and silently starts eating with my fork. I take a new one, sit down with him, and start eating too.

Suddenly the door opens and a friend of Bruno stands visibly drunk in front of us. "Some of us want to play truth or dare, do you guys want to play along?" Descamps nods, I think for a moment. "Come on, it's going to be fun!" I look at the boy standing in front of us thoughtfully, "Yeah, all right I'm in."

We're all sitting in a circle in the living room, my brother is out in the garden with one of his friends, they're smoking weed. I'm sitting next to a girl who goes to our school and opposite from me are Laurenz and Descamps. "Who should start?" a boy looks around in the group, "I would say, Paul, it was his idea after all..."

By now, it's been a few rounds of truth and dare and I'm completely drunk. I wanted to stay sober today but the others made me drink more and more, I don't have any plans for tomorrow anyway.

I've only taken truth all the time because I'm afraid of what the dares could be, but I have to take a dare soon eventually. "I take...Louise!" the girl sitting next to me smiles at me. "Please don't take truth again, it's so boring!" "Uhm, I'll take...dare!" I can see how happy the others are about those words.

"Okay, you have to take this empty bottle and spin it, whoever it lands on, you have to kiss!" A few people clap enthusiastically, when I look up, I see Descamps looking at me and having to stop himself from smiling, what's wrong with him now?

I take my empty beer bottle and put it in the middle of the group, all of a sudden everyone is completely quiet, the only thing you can hear is the loud music. I reach for the bottle, and spin it. You can really feel how the tension rises as the bottle starts to spin and first becomes fast and then slowly  slower. The bottle stops and points in my opposite direction...

"Oh my God, Louise, you have to kiss Laurenz now!" the mood is immediately normal again and the tension is gone, but I feel the stare of a certain Descamps on me as I slowly lean forward on my knees and touch Laurenz's cheek with my hand. Before I lie into the kiss I look at Descamps again and you can see that this is not right with him.

Laurenz and I kiss, slowly I open my eyes and look at Descamps, he watches this happening and sits tense in his chair. Laurenz and I back up from another again and he winks at me, I ignored it and just sit back in my seat. The kiss wasn't bad, without question, but I've had better ones. I'd much rather have someone else's lips on mine...

After we play a few more rounds, I go out on the terrace and light myself a joint. I've smoked weed for a while now but only rarely, at parties for example. Suddenly the door opens. Someone steps out and sits in the garden chair next to me, only now I realize that it's Laurenz. I hand him the joint, but he refuses, "What's going on between you and Descamps." "What do you mean?" This question comes so unexpectedly that I cough out loud. "Well, I always see those looks between the two of you, before the kiss, after we kissed, and now he's angry at me or something like that." "I don't know what you mean, I don't know him at all, we've talked for the first time today!" he turns his gaze away from me and looks into the darkness. I take another drag from my joint and lean back in my chair.

"Would you like to show me your room?" "What?!" "Well, I thought if you don't have anything to do with him and there is nothing between you,then maybe we could...." I get up and push my joint into the ashtray. "I don't want anything from you!" "But..." Laurenz also gets up and grabs my arm, I try to tear myself away. "I don't want anything from anyone, I don't need a guy in my life right now, I have enough stress with school stuff already. It's not because of you!" Laurenz lets go of my arm and I can see that he is sad, "Oh...okay...I think I should go now." Without being able to reply, he opens the door to the living room and disappears into the crowd of young people who are in the house. I fall back into the chair and lean my head on the back, only now do I realize how drunk and high I really am.

The door opens again and my brother steps onto the terrace, "Come on, the others are already asking for you! Here I have one more shot for you, drink this and then off to the dance floor with you. This may be the last party for a while and I know how you used to be in Paris, so come and enjoy it." He first hands me the shot, which I drink directly after a short moment, and then his hand, which I also gratefully take, shortly afterward he pulls me up on my feet and we go into the house.

I'm dancing. I haven't seen my brother for a while, he's probably smoking again.... The dance floor is full, there is fast music playing and everywhere around me are young people, all moving to the music.

I dance with Descamps. We move our bodies in sync and our faces are only inches apart. Everything around me is blurry, it feels like Descamps and I are the only ones in the room. Everything is moving in slow motion and our faces are getting closer and closer.

Before anything can happen, I take his arm and pull him behind me. We walk through the crowd into the hallway and up the stairs, past young people who are all looking at us with disbelief,

into my room...

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are ready for the next one...(it's going to be something else...🤭). I know you may be wondering why this story is an enemies to lovers story but just be patient...
If you can please vote and comment! Until next chapter (hopefully tomorrow!) :D

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