Chapter 5

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I finally let go of his arm and he quickly closes the door behind us. I stand completely high in the middle of my room and watch Descamps every move. He turns to me again and comes towards me. With his hands he takes both sides of my face and pulls me to him.

Our lips finally land on each other and immediately begin to move in rhythm. I run my hands through his hair the whole time, his amazing soft hair. We're stumbling around my room and knocking over all kinds of things. With a loud crash my new flower vase falls to the ground.

Descamps starts unbuttoning my blouse with quick fingers, we're both so extremely drunk it takes a while. Now I'm just standing there in pants and bra, Descamps is still fully dressed. We separate for a moment and he starts loosening his belt as quickly as possible, but I walk up to him and stop him. Instead, I pull his shirt out of the waistband of his pants and help him pull it over his head.

Our lips meet again and suddenly we both stumble forward, I fall onto him with a loud bang. That doesn't really interest either of us, so we just keep making out on the floor. Our mouths open and our tongues touch. We keep making out for a while and don't even notice that the door opens all of a sudden, Laubrac is standing in the dorr frame, what's he doing here? When Descamps and I notice him we separate directly from each other and I quickly get up and walk towards him, Descamps is still half laying on the floor.

"What the hell?" Laubrac is frozen in front of me, he seems like doesn't understand the world anymore. "It's not what it looks like!", my drunk self trying to convince Laubrac that Descamps and I haven't been making out the whole time, even though we're both not wearing shirts..., well that's definitely going to work!

"I have to go! But Louise, be aware of what you're doing right now." With these words, he turns away and walks out the door. I quickly close it behind him and turn the key in the Lock. I turn back to Descamps who still looks at me with lustful eyes. It doesn't take long before our lips are back on each other, now we're lying on my bed.

The room is quiet, from time to time you can hear our heavy breathing and the sounds of our moving lips. In the meantime, the music has become quieter and it also seems like a lot of time has passed since we went into my room. I hear the voices of my brother and some of his friends quietly. His is getting closer and closer, all of a sudden there's a knock on my door, Descamps and I directly separate from each other.

"Louise, are you in here?" I try to get my breathing under control and slowly walk to the locked door. "Yes, whats going on?" "Have you seen Descamps?" I turn to Descamps and look him in the eye, he makes some strange hand movements, "No, I don't know. He's definitely not here!" I turn to Descamps again and he blows me a kiss with a smirk. "Okay, then sleep well, if Descamps isn't here he must have gone with some girl. Then we won't need the place to sleep in your room anymore now everything is going to work out!" I had completely forgotten that. "Ok good, sleep well too!"

With these words, I turn away and return to Descamps. He sits on my chair and has his legs wide, I stand in between them and stroke his cheek lightly. I bend down and press my lips softly against his. "Would you like a joint?", Descamp's eyes flash and he picks me up as he gets up. He carries me to my balcony door and drops me off in front of it. I quickly grab into a box next to the door for a smaller box, in which are all my joints, I pull out one and open the door.

We both sit on a garden chair and head each other the joint, alternating. My ears are still buzzing with the music from the party and my thoughts are still on the events of this evening. It's quiet, none of us feels the need to talk. I hear soft voices in the distance and lean back in my garden chair, this is going to be a good year, I'm sure! I look over to Descamps, he's blowing the smoke out of his mouth and then after he turns his head to me, "Shall we go in? The joint is finished." I just nod and we get up.

Once inside, I feel an extreme desire again. Descamps approaches me and our lips meet, but this time much aggressive, hotter, more demanding. I put my hands on his upper body, he feels warm, no, he feels hot! I run my hands over his chest. I slowly lower my hands from his upper body to his pants. I'll open his belt and his pants. His pants are falling off his legs, now he's just standing in Front of me in boxer shorts and, oh my God, his...

He opens my pants too, now we're just standing in front of each other in our underwear. Our kisses get more and more aggressive, he pushes me onto the bed and climbs over me. I slowly raise my hands to his boxer shorts, but all of a sudden he jumps up from my bed and walks stressed around my room. "What's going on, whats wrong?" I sit up and crawl to the edge of my bed. "It's all your fault!" he yells at me, what's wrong with him all of a sudden? "What the fuck have I done?" I slowly stand up and slowly walk towards him and try to take his hand but he pulls it away.

"You're a whore! I hate you, why did you have to do that shit?" I don't understand a word of what he's saying, but every time I try to respond, he starts talking again. "I'm going, I really can't get along with someone like you!" with these words he starts putting on his clothes extremely fast, every attempt by me to stop him is ignored. After a few minutes, he storms out of my room and slams the door behind him. I let myself fall on my bed, exhausted and still drunk.

He's such an asshole! What does he think, just insult me like that when I didn't do anything wrong? All of a sudden I remember Laubracs words, „Be aware of what your doing right now...". I should have trusted Michele and Simone, they told me that Descamps was an asshole. I dont know if i should try and talk to him, I mean he is the one that should be sorry and apologise not me. I just dont get whats his problem all of a sudden.

I slowly sit back up and look around my room, of course

...he had to forget his jacket!

Hey everyone! First of all im sorry that I didn't upload this yesterday but i just had to do a lot for school. Second, im so sorry for how this turned out 😭. I'm not sure of what to think about this chapter. I promise you that the next one is definetly going to be better, I mean the real story just started.... Even though this isn't a „very good" chapter i still hopes you enjoyed it and like always if you did comment and vote! Until next chapter :D

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