Chapter 8

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Luke's POV

"Have a nice nap baby" I tell her as she succumbs to sleep. 

"Poor thing has exhausted herself to the point she's had to shut down,  can you pass me the blanket over please," I ask Daniel 

"Yeah, poor thing, maybe she will be a lot calmer after her nap, " Daniel says handing me a blanket over

"Let's watch a movie and just cuddle till she wakes," I say as I wrap her up and cuddle her closer to my chest. 

"Good idea love," Daniel says sitting putting the TV on, and relaxing back beside me.


An hour into the movie I felt Beth begin to stir in my arms. I looked down to see her little eyes open but it was clear to anyone she was still mostly in dreamland. I asked Daniel to grab a baba for her as we agreed that she needs one as much as possible at the moment to help put some weight on her. As I sit and stare into her eyes I can see the fog clearing and she becomes more restless and begins trying to escape my grasp but I'm a lot stronger than she is.

"Hey, no point in struggling I'm not letting you go anyway little missie," I tell her as I reposition her on my lap just as Daniel comes in with her milk and hands it to me. This is not normal milk this stuff has a lot of nutrients in it that people who struggle with weight gain drink to help so we are hoping with a few of these a day she can get to a healthy weight because as of right now the poor things is just bones with a thin layer of skin on top and when you pick her up you would think you were lifting a 2-year-old child. 

"Right love I have a nice warm baba here for you and I know you're going to love it," I say as I bring it to her lips, She clamps her mouth shut and all I can see is how afraid she is. She is scared of everything right now but looking into her eyes the way she is looking at me screams 'I'M SCARED OF YOU'. It breaks my heart knowing how much I scare her but I have to keep reminding myself that she still does not understand and when she does she will learn to trust and love us and I can't wait for that day.

"You have to try and drink love," Daniel says from beside me his face holds worry too. Beth shakes her head no and starts to struggle again but I have her wrapped tightly in the blanket so there is not much room to move. We can see her getting frustrated and I don't think she realizes it but in her struggles, her mouth opens, not very wide but enough for me to slip the nipple of the bottle into her mouth. 

Beth tries to spit it out but I hold it in place. It's clear that she is getting stressed out as she begins to scream behind the bottle and we don't like it but she needs to drink so I squeeze the bottle a little so some milk drops into her mouth. It seems to do the trick as she swallows which causes her to suck more milk in. I doubt she will admit it but I think she may like the milk, I could feel her slowly relaxing when she drank and it was gone in no time at all.

"There that wasn't so bad after all was it now hmm?" I asked her as I took the bottle away and handed it to Daniel. 

Bethany's POV

No, the milk was not that bad but I would not admit that to them. I am honestly so drained of energy right now even though I have just woken up from a nap, an unintentional one may I add. I feel so lost and don't have any words right now so I just sit and stare at him for a minute before I let my eyes wander the room. I see both Daniel and Luke staring down at me with gently smiles on their faces and I have to look away I don't have people smiling at me so it was freaking me out a little but it was nice to have someone smile at me instead of hitting me I do have to say. 

I look around the living room and see it's nicely laid out with lovely neutral colors on the walls and even the furniture is all neutral but somehow it looks nice, somewhat homely. I was so distracted looking around the room I was not aware of the men talking to me. 

"Are you listening little one?" Daniel says in a soft voice.


"Take that as a no then," Daniel laughs.

"We were saying we can sit here and watch a movie before bedtime, what would you like to watch?" Daniel asked.

I was never allowed to watch TV, never mind knowing what movie to watch. I wouldn't even be able to tell you what the last movie I saw was or how long ago it was I had seen it so I just shrugged my shoulders and kept quiet, I had no words anymore all I wanted to do was go to sleep and wake up from this nightmare I was in. 

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