Chapter 2: A faint light

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Why was she mad like that earlier?, Did I do something else?, Why did Linda have to hug me at that moment of all time, why does she keep doing that when I told her not to?, I'm getting confused right now.

And what was that?, "I think it's better if we don't get too close?", I'm trying to get close to her and she's said that?, Should I go apologize?, No it's probably stupid to do something like that right?, I shouldn't rush things like that or I'll end up hurting her, I should probably take it slowly on her right?, I don't even know if I'm thinking right.

The Warriors party is tomorrow, I should tell her how I feel or might end up losing her, better fast than slow.



I laid on my back and rolled over and over again on my bed, the Warriors party is tomorrow and I'm going to be a server?, How hilarious!, I wish the ground would just open up and swallow me up, but for real that is a lie, I want to live more than anyone, I want to sit on that chair at the top, I want to dress up in a fancy gown and with a touch of make-up.

And everyone would want to have a cup of wine with me, and walk in that high heels waving from afar getting all the likes, and I'll be the center of attention.

Maybe I'm dreaming ahead of myself, maybe I should just rely on myself?, That's probably best right?, Maybe this is where I belong?, No that's hilarious!, Why would I think that?, I don't belong in the kitchen, I belong to that crew, up there, chugging up their cup of wine.

No matter how I thought of it, I couldn't sleep, it felt like something was keeping me awake, and I know exactly what that is.

I sat up and looked around the room, Bubby was snoring away on her bed, and of course she deserves a good night sleep, since she worked her ass off all day, but I kind of envy her, she never for once sulked about not having a mate, she always smiled, like it was all fine, but who knows what's going on in cute bubby mind, she's probably not happy about the whole thing.

I stepped down the bed and walked on my toes to avoid waking bubby up, I opened the door slowly and walked out in a hurry closing it slowly.

"And Where do you think you are going at this time of the night?!, It's 9pm", Madam Pika said from behind and I turned to her faking a smile, "uhm it's uh....I", I stammered and she smiled, "do you have a boyfriend?, Is that why you always go missing in daytime?!", Madam Pika asked for real, I have to admit that she was a poke noser.

"No!, I'm just out to clear the beach, it's still not neat", I said and she frowned, "come back in before 10pm or you'll be sleeping out in the cold", Madam Pika said walking away, it was wierd, she never allowed me to go out that late, no matter what the reason was, but I guess she just wanted to be nice.

I hurried off out and raced to the beach, I ran towards the ocean but stopped when I spotted two people from afar, probably lovers right?, I hid behind a coconut tree and watched from afar, and they kind of vanished, like the wind, what was that?, Or maybe I'm just seeing things?, No way!, Whatever, let me enjoy the breeze of nature for a while and go to bed.

I walked to the ocean and kept a safe distance from the water, I sighed at the view of the river, a huge wave rose from afar and it looked so big like it was going to swallow me up.

It looked too big than usual, I jerked up and took 9 steps back, but something was off about this wave, why was it like this?, Kind of unreal, too big to be real, wierd color, like an illusion.

Or maybe it's my hallucinations, I paused and just like I thought, it was just like a shadow, it went away in a blink, and it kinda felt cool, I sat on the sand and smiled.

But suddenly like a miracle, the whole place turned dark, and I couldn't see nothing, I turned to the left, right, forward and backwards but I couldn't see nothing.

"Hi Fiona!", I heard someone say, the voice was a female's voice and the voice was unfamiliar, "who are you!, What did you do to me?!!", I yelled and I heard her give out a laugh of mockery and she was pissing me off.

"Who I am dosen't matter, you should be asking me how I can help you!", She said and I decided to calm my nerves, "what exactly can you do for me?", I asked and she laughed again, "now that's a question!", She said and my patience kept betraying me.

"Just go straight to the point sucker!", I yelled and she laughed again, "aren't you tired of being a puppet?, Aren't you tired of running around for some spoilt wolves?!, Aren't you tired of taking shits?, Don't you want to walk in high heels waving from afar?, Don't you want to wear a fancy dress and have a touch of make-up on?", She asked and series of memories ran through my mind.

"You suck, get out you lowlife", "it's not my fault you didn't get a wolf, just get to work and stop using you being Wolfless as an excuse to avoid working", "stop trying to be what you are not!", "Apologize right now!!!!!", "But dad she did it first", "you are a mistake", "I should have never have accepted you", "you are not my daughter!", "Hey you over there, pick this up", "what you can't?, What is your use then?, Fucking pick this up you lowlife".

All these ran through my mind and it felt heavy on my heart, "hey Fiona!, don't you want to get rid of all of them and be the queen?", She said and of course I want to be all she said but is that even possible?.

"I'm Portia, you must have heard about me, the outcast hybrid", she said and appeared before me, like a light, she looked Angelic, white haired and she looked enchanting, but the story about her wasn't so good, she tricked people into making a deal and ends up taking something bigger from them, Portia the hybrid.

"I can make you a beta?, A Alpha?, Whatever you want, so are you in for a deal?", She said and I scoffed, there's no way I'm accepting a deal from her, "fuck off", I'm better off on my own!", I said and I heard the hostel gate closing, "are you sure?!", Portia said as the dark mist disappeared.

I ran to the gate and rushed in before it closes up, I ran to the room and covered myself up on my bed, drifting into sleep almost immediately.



I opened my eyes slowly and stretched as I yawned loudly, it's happening, finally, the warriors night, and I got a lot of work to do unless I'm running away, but it's not happening, I probably have to work hard.

I should dream less and think more, I should learn to live the way I am, it's probably best that way.

"Fiona come get the fabrics", Madam Pika called from outside and then I changed my mind, I don't want to like this it's annoying, maybe some things are better left I the dark, but that doesn't apply to me.

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