Chapter 32

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"Matteo and Bella will dance together at family parties."

I got ready for dinner a couple hours after the pie was done

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I got ready for dinner a couple hours after the pie was done. I'm dressed in a black dress that falls at my thigh perfectly. I decided against the cardigan I was supposed to wear with it because it was just going to be us at home. I slip on a pair of my low heels—a white one with a black bow in the front. Once I have slipped on the necklace that Matteo gave me, I head downstairs.

I welcome the noise that comes from the kitchen, and I'm trying to walk toward it when I feel a hand on mine, spinning me back. "Matteo," I whispered to the guy who had grabbed me. I watch as Matteo's eyes scan up and down my outfit, a small smile on his face. His eyes meet mine again, and he whispers, "Do you get prettier every day, bella?"

I slip my hand past his shoulder and move closer to him. "Thank you, Teo," I whisper back to him and reach up to hug him. Matteo's hands go around my torso, holding me loosely to him, and I feel him take a breath. "You smell very good," he whispers, and since he did it, I also smell him. Matteo smells of something sweet but still a little strong. I liked the smell of him.

Matteo pulls away from the hug and looks down at me. "Think we can steal a few minutes down here?"

"I don't see why not," I say to him with a shrug, and he smiles and leans down to kiss me on the lips. I smile into the kiss, and Matteo tilts my head up with a finger to get better access. After a few moments, he pulls away from me and says, "We should go."

"We should," I agree, and then I lean up and kiss him again. Matteo laughs, grabbing my hand and turning us back to the noise of a family conversing with each other.

Elena rolls her eyes from her spot on the table and says, "Do you guys always have to make an appearance?"

"Doesn't she look amazing?" the guy standing beside me gushes, a gentle hand on my waist. Elena looks at me and then smiles. "My sister always looks good," she says, and I feel my heart warm at that. My little sister wasn't always nice to me, so hearing her compliment on something very high makes me want to get emotional.

I walk over to my sister and take a seat next to her. Matteo takes a seat by me, and then the parents join us at the table as well. Once everyone is steeled in and the twins are done fighting about who gets to sit with which parent (the both of them end up sitting together beside Matteo), we all start to grab our plates.

Once everyone has food in front of them, Austin gathers everyone's attention by hitting a fork on a wine glass. The parents are going to drink this holiday season, but they never drink too much—just enough to make jokes about each other. Every year, I wait for this day because it means I get free information about my family.

"We never usually do this," Austin says, and I feel myself nod at that. "But this year is different. This year, we are gathered to celebrate wins."

There are a few murmurs from around the room, and I feel a hand slip onto mine under the table. I squeeze Matteo's hand and give him a smile. Only he doesn't glance at me; he is focused on his father. Austin smiles and says, "Firstly, I'd like to say that I am thankful to my devoted wife, who never fails to make me laugh."

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