The Full Moon

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Standing in the middle of Manhattan park, Laura slowly moves around trying find the reason she was brought here...

Her brother......

"Johnathan." She whispered walking around in the park. Looking around she could tell that she was once again in a dream state connected to Johnathan once again.

"Laura?" She hears and turned around to see her brother.

"Johnathan. Are you okay?" She asks him.

"I should be asking if you're okay?" He says

"What do you mean? You're the one everyone's looking for." She says trying to keep the conversation off of her

"You're nervous, for your first full moon." He says as he looks up at the sky.

"I can't help but wonder if it'll hurt." She explains looking up at the sky

"It may but don't fight it. Don't be a fraid to embrace who you are. Even though you'll be suck in that restaurant, imagine how it would be to run free. Free to be yourself." He says looking at her.

Laura turned to him and looked him in the eyes...

"I can't see what everyone's afraid of." She says looking at him as he gazes in her eyes.

"Maybe because I'm half demon, they don't think I have an heart." He chuckled joking around

"They don't know what you are. I never told them." She says

"Why not?" He asks

"Because they're all scared of what you can be just because you're Valentine's son. We don't have to be what are parents are. I'm thinking if I don't tell them about you maybe they'll just talk to you when we find you." She explains

"Don't worry about protecting me sister, I'm the one that supposed to be protecting you. And do you not believe in father's cause?" He says

"I do believe that the clave is flawed but killing all Downworlders and demons. I can't stand for that. We'd be killing parts of ourselves along with them, Johnathan." She explains

" What do you mean his plan is to kill all Downworlders and demons!?" He asked angry

"You didn't know." Laura said looking at him before she was once pulled away again
"Where do you be going in your sleep?" Zharia asks Laura curiously while Alec stood with her waiting for an answer.

"Nowhere." Laura said lying

"Laura, I'm on your side. You don't have to worry about me reporting to anyone. You don't have to lie." Alec says

"I wasn't lying." Laura says not trying to tell them.

"Yes, you are. I know you Laura. You're my sister." Zharia says trying to convince her to let them help.

Laura sighed and gave in, " Don't tell the others but I see Johnathan. We're connected somehow so I see him in my sleep."

"You talk to him." Alec says

"Yeah, he's not like Valentine. He just wants to be with his family." She explains

"Are you sure that's all?" Zharia asks

"Yes, he wants to help Valentine, but it's only to impress him and prove himself to him after he was sent away to Eden." Laura explains

"I understand where his head may be at." Alec says then the girls looked to him.

Laura knew from Jace that Alec had the whole weight of the institute on his shoulders and it was all just to be the person his parents expected him to be but then that all change when he met Magnus.

"He's my brother, I just want to protect him." Laura says

"And I'll stand by you as you try to reason with because I understand the bond you can have with a brother but if you fall a stray I'll bring you back no matter the force needed. I will not let Magnus lose anyone else and definitely not to Valentine's madness." Alec says to her.

"And you know that I'll stand with you until the end." Zharia says to her sister.

"Thank you." Laura said before they're conversation was cut short by Luke walking in.

"Laura can I speak with you." Luke asks seeing they all stopped talking once he walked in.

"Sure." She says following out to talk.

After Luke brought her to sit alone he started to talk.

  "You know it's a full moon tonight." He starts out by saying.

   "Yes, I've actually have been a bit worried about it." She says honestly

   "Hmm. I don't think I can tell you anything to stop your worries until you see for yourself that's there's nothing to worry. But what I can tell you is what's going to happen." He says

   "What do you mean?" She asks curiously.

   "For all werewolves first transition, we try to put them in isolation, let's say until their in control of their wolf. You'd be put in that room where there's a bars keeping you in, for your safety and everyone else's." He explains

   "Will you be in there with me?" She asks

   "I will stay with you if you wish." He says

   "Please." She says look to him for support.

   "Of course." He says bringing her in for an hug. "I understand your fear but it's the only thing stopping you from fully being connected to your wolf. It's like being one with yourself in whole different way."

  "What was it like for your first time?" She asks

"For one, I was bitten and not born a werewolf so I was afraid. Afraid of what I would become but I had someone I love dearly standing by me." He explained

"Jocelyn." She says looking at him.

"Yeah, she never left my side. No matter how dangerous I thought it was." He explains

"You two love each other more than anything. I hope to have that one day." She says

"I'm guessing things aren't going to well with Jace."

"I don't think he ever truly loved me. I was his second choice because he thought Clary was his sister. I don't think he'll ever feel for me like he does for her." She's says said remembering her father's words

"But then you'd never know if you keep pushing him away." Luke tells her.

Soon the day turnt into night and Laura's nerves soon started to fade with the support of Jocelyn, Luke, and Zharia.

"So this is it?" She asks Luke seeing the moon in the sky from the window in her cell for the night.

"Yeah it is. Are you ready?" He says

" As ready as I can be." She says

"Alright then." Luke says walking in the cell that took most of the room.

" What are you doing?" Laura asks as Jocelyn locks the cell behind him.

"I promised I'll be here. I thought you wouldn't want to shift alone." He says

"Does this happen every full moon?" She asks

"Yeah, all the pack learnt to control it and they're free to roam the docks. You will too." He says and then his eyes turn.

Suddenly it was like an energy came over Laura and she felt the power of the moon as her eyes glows. As she took in her brother's words she didn't fight it, which helped her feel no pain.

As the pack howeld throughout the area, Jocelyn and Zharia stood their amazed looking at the two wolves staring back at them within the cage.

Laura howeld as she realizes she made it through her first shift.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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