The Sliver Hand

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"The Silver Hand group stands staunchly against werewolves and all that they stand for. This hatred of Lycanthropy leads to their capturing, torturing, and murdering of Werewolves whenever and wherever possible"

It has been a week since my ceremony that welcomed me into the companions. Tonight I'm supposed to train trying to summon my wolf. I also have been spending more time with Farkas.
"So, Elli?" Farkas asks as he feels held up by his shield. I swing down "Yeah?"
"you've been with us for about a month and I hardly know anything about you."
I wipe my brow leaning on my axe. it was one of the shortest summers in Skyrim and today is pretty warm for what my Nordic blood is used to.
"so what would you like to know?" I ask
"well you know, how long have you been on your own?" the Nord asked.
"About a year in a half. before that, I lived with my mother's sister" I respond with a grunt as I swing my axe at Farkas' shield.
"Mother sister? what about your parents?"
he blocked my attack as he took the short sword swinging it at me.
I block his attack with my axe.
"They died when I was young. From what my Aunt said it was a couple of bandits. My aunt was staying with us for the summer. We went out picking juniper berries we came back to a blood bath. the house ransacked my parents dead. "I sighed swinging back "My aunt took me in, she never had kids" I answer
"I'm sorry to hear that.." he responds "Me and Villkas kinda have a similar story." he answers. we stop training. we made our way to the patio sitting together. "how so?" I ask resting my battle axe on the table
"well, we don't remember our parents. if I'm being honest I forgot what they even look like. we were raised by a man, Jergen, he saved us from a circle of necromancers. he took us back here. we were the youngest to join the circle, the youngest to take the wolf blood."
I listen to the Nord's story I can see why he is so devoted to the companions it's all he's ever known. "have you ever thought about leaving?" I ask. "no why would I? I've been here basically my whole life." he answers.

"Alright you two" I hear a familiar voice behind us. Aela. We've been getting close to the only two women in the circle.
"there's work to be done" She places her hands on both of our shoulders smiling "Ellika, it'll be your first job alone. Sjkor and I believe your wolf is just dormant we will have more training tonight" she smiles ruffling my blonde hair. I stand up chuckling. "what kind of job do you have for me?" I ask.

Aela and Farkus watch the tall Nord woman leave to the gates of Whiterun. Aela looks down at Farkas. "She's something huh?" She asked.
"Yeah." he responds "I'm glad we kept her" he smiles standing up and heading into the chambers of Jorrvaskr. "Hey melon nose, where's your gal?" Vilkas calls out from his room as Farkas walks by. Farkas stands near the door frame leaning against it. "She's on a job and she's not my gal..." Farkas frowns. Out of the two twins, he seems to be picked on the most. Skjor says that Farkas has the strength of Ysgramor and Vilkas has his smarts.
"you like her don't you?" Vilkas asks. of course, he knows. he and his twin knew each other well maybe too well. this was a secret that Farkas had kept for the past month even from his brother. He's never liked a girl. he had a fling with one of the maids at the Inn but nothing ever like this. "yeah..." Farkas confessed. I never met a woman other than Aela who has the strength, the smarts, the arm, and the beauty, as Ellika. "Don't tell anyone. I mean it." Farkas says sternly. Vilkas laughs standing up and putting a hand on his shoulder. "everyone already knows, ice brain" It seems like all the color drains from his face. "does she know" Farkas asks "Not that I can tell she's as thick as you" the shorter nord laughs.

My first job all by myself is to take care of a nobody in Rorikstead. just scare them into submission to leave the poor sod, who hired us, alone. I dismount River patting her neck i reach into my bag to give her an apple" I smile making my way into the Inn. Rorik is the name of the fool I have to beat. I see the middle-aged Nord, and as I make my way to him I am stopped by two people, One a Dark elf,  another a Nord woman who looks oddly familiar.
"you were at Dustman Cairn!" the Nord confronts confused i look at her studying her face "Wear wolf!" she yells. this makes everyone in the inn turn their heads at us she takes her silver sword and swings it at me.
"This should be good! fight!" one of the inn patrons shouts.
Gods it was the silver-hand woman I spared. walking around her trying to defend myself I soon stop in my tracks hearing a loud high-pitched noise
i drop my axe putting my hands over my ears I close my eyes tight grunting. everyone around me just looks at me like I'm mad. the Nord woman steps back
I look down at my hands as they grow into big paws with fur and claws. I feel my jaw shift into a more wolf-like shape. after my transformation I have no control of my body I just get to watch. I roar loud smelling the fear of the Inn patrons. I hear screams as they rush to be behind the bar. I try to gain control but I just watch as I rush to them but am stopped feeling a single arrow enter my side.
I look over to the Dark Elf who shot me I roar rushing over to him and jumping on the tables but as soon as I get to him my vision darkens I hit the floor.
"come let's get this one to the fort..." is the last thing I hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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