OG Meets the beast

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Requested by: Kanae_Writings and an Anon on tumblr (both had similar ideas)

Drabble type: What if and interaction

Themes: body horror, slight oil, angst, comfort, brotherly bonding

Canon?: Yes

Sun gets sent to the OG universe, and chaos ensues
(takes place after Bloodmoons revival)

Sun and Moon were sitting in Moons room, with Bloodmoon back as Ruins supposed distraction, Moon had decided to keep Sun in his sight at all times, it's for his own safety.

Sun seems to be shivering, his encounter with the newly revived Bloodmoon has really left a mark on him, many bad memories had flashed before his eyes in that moment. Sun lets out a shaky sigh. "M-Moon, are you sure this is necessary?"

"Sun, it's for your own safety, we don't know when Bloodmoon will waltz in here again and hurt you!" Moon reasons, Sun can't argue with that point.

"'sigh' Fine" Sun says in defeat, there really wasn't any talking Moon out of this was there?

Moon was about to say something else when the Computer speaks. "Portal opening"

Sun and Moons eyes widened, the Portal had just opened!? But how!?

"Computer close portal!" Moon exclaims, however the Computer is unable to close the portal, and the sound of something being teleported into the ball pit could be heard. Sun and Moon peak over the balcony and see what looks to be an alternate Sun, Moon makes a sigh of relief but remembers that there are infinite possibilities, hell this Sun could be evil for all they knew!

"Sun stay here, i'm gonna go check it out" Moon says.

"W-what!? but Moon it could be dangerous!" Sun tries to reason, but Moon brushes him off and jumps into the ballpit.

The sound of something else in the ballpit startles the Other Sun and he whips around to look at Moon, they seemed frightened.

"Hey hey, it's ok, uhhhh, who are you?" Moon asks.

The other Sun is silent for a moment before responding. "w-well, i'm Sun...am sure you already know that though" He stutters out in an incomplete sentence.

"uhhh, yeah i uh, think i get that" Moon says, looking up at Sun on the balcony. "Hey Sun! This one seems ok!"

Sun looks nervous before jumping down into the ballpit as well and approaching the other Sun. "Uhhh, hello, i'm also Sun uhh.....hi"

The Other Sun just waves shyly. "is nice to meet other Sun" He speaks.

The 2 Suns talk for a bit before Moon decides to check on the portal, how the hell did this thing turn on by itself?

Moon can only guess that it was opened from the other side, it was the only explanation.

Suddenly an arm bursts out of the ballpit, claws flexing and twitching, Moon falls back at the sudden. Moon soon saw that the arms colour scheme was similar to his own.

The rest of the arms body pulls itself out of the ballpit and the alternate Moon heaves.

"GggOd, is this thing deeper then before?" The Moon groans, the other Sun perks up and rushes over, grabbing the other Moon and hoisting him up with little effort and pulling him into a hug.

"MOON!!" He exclaims, the other Moon just hugs back.

"It's ok brother I'm ok" the other Moon responds. "I'm just glad your ok, I don't know what happened, the portal just activated, and I was so worried!"

The other Sun just lets out a series of clicks, The other Moon chuckles. "I love you to Sunny"

Sun and Moon look at the 2 variants having a heartfelt moment.

"I......don't really understand what is happening right now" Sun blurts out.

"How did he understand that???" Moon says confused. All they heard were a bunch of clicks, and the other Moon just understood all that?

The other Moon turns their way with a sheepish look. "Well, when you spend a lot of time with someone with a conduction like this you pick up a few things" he explains, Moon is confused.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Moon asks confused, the other Moon just brushes it off.

"Never mind that, Sun we should get home, Earth is freaking out" the other Moon says guiding the other Sun back to the ballpit.

The other Sun groans with a few whirs. "Ok fine, I'm late for that Princess and the Frog movie marathon with Earth anyways, I don't wanna miss it" he says.

"Thanks for taking care of Sunny for me, we gotta head back, G'BYE OTHER ME!!" the other Moon says, stepping into the with the other Sun, soon disappearing after sinking into it.

Sun and Moon stare at the Ballpit in slight shock, what had just happened?

"........i'm not even going to question what just happened" Moon says, walking away. "Sun cmon, let's head Back to the room, we still got some precautions to input"

Sun groans. "Again, still unnecessary"

"Still not risking it, not with that maniac being back" Moon had made up his mind.

Sun really didn't have a choice in the matter, Moon was really stubborn even before the reset. Sun just sighs and follows Moon to the teleported to continue their day, this must be the weirdest thing that has happened all week.

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