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It's been two years since we all met and now, we were about to meet one another. How I've missed Thousand Sunny and the crew, especially Usopp.
Yes, it's been two years and I can't seem to get over Usopp-kun. He was the only thing I could think of, he was my motivation to keep going.


We all met one another, and now, we're all back on board in the sunny. Usopp was...strong and muscular, nothing like he was before who had abs but barely even seen. I'm proud that he was able to improve over these past two years and I've also heard that his skills has gotten better and he's braver now. I'm so happy and proud of him that he's actually starting to achieve his dreams.

Although I can't lie about how his new suit is rather my favorite, the fact that he's showing off his toned abs and biceps is amazing, he has confidence that he didn't have before.
I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Fantasizing?" A female voice said I looked over my shoulder to see who it was and it was Nami-San.
"About what?"
"Who else?"
I realized what or at least, who she meant.
"Oh...Not really..."
Nami-san chuckled.
"He's grown, mentally and physically. Still childish but At least he's grown to be a bit more responsible."
I chuckled at Nami-san's comment. She was right, Usopp indeed has changed, he's still the goofball he was before but he's gotten at least a sense of responsibility.


We were celebrating our reunion, drinking, and catching up with what we've been through.
"Hey." I heard a voice, I was sitting down and observing the surroundings as I felt a presence behind me. It was Usopp-kun.
"O-oh..! Hi, Usopp-kun." I scratched the back of my head feeling slightly embarrassed.
I could hear Usopp-Kun chuckle, his laugh was so pretty.
Usopp-kun then sat beside me.
"How've you been?" Usopp-Kun asked me.
"Good, you?"
"Good too...Also, about your confession two years ago..."
My ears perked up, a blush appeared on my face as I looked at him in anticipation. I tried to keep my cool but failed at it.
"W-w-what about it...?" I gulped.
"I want to say that...I like you too."
I like you too
Hearing him say those words after two years was such a blessing. He's reciprocating my feelings for him!
"Can I hug you?" I said nervously, he avoided eye contact. I could see that he was still a bit new to this but so was I. But I'm willing to adjust for him.
"It's alright if you don't want-"
My sentence was cut by him.
"You can hug me..."
As soon as I heard that, I quickly wrapped my arms around him.
"I've waited so long for this moment and it finally came true."
I felt Usopp hug me back, I was overjoyed. I loosened my grip on him and then looked at him directly in his eyes.

"Then, can I be your boyfriend?"
Usopp chuckled then nodded. This is heaven! Usopp and I are finally together.
An idea popped into my head, I wanted to kiss him but since we just started to date. I figured that hugging was the safest option so far.

"Can I hug you?" I asked him for confirmation, I didn't want to hug him and make him uncomfortable.
He nodded, this was pure bliss. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and pulled him in for a hug, he was so warm and soft. I could hug him until my last breath.

Usopp hugged me back and laughed, his laugh was so goddamn cute.


We're all now on the dining table and eating. Me and Usopp decided to keep it secret from the crew for now, probably in two months we'll tell them.
I was beside Usopp-Kun, resisting the urge to act love-dovey with and feed him, cuddle him, and be clingy towards him, but I couldn't. The whole crew was there and I also didn't want to make Usopp-kun uncomfortable since we started just an hour ago.

I was done eating but I refused to stand up. I sat there and since Usopp-Kun was right beside me, I decided to be a bit bold and place my hand gently on his thigh and it caused him to flinch. He coughed then he unexpectedly placed his hand over mine, it caused me to blush and get a nosebleed, luckily all of them were focused on their food.

I looked at him and we both smiled as we intertwined our fingers with each other while resting my hand on his thigh.
I wiped the blood that was coming out of my nose and cleared my throat, trying to act casually. I never thought the day would come when Usopp-kun would make the first move. It feels so enchanting! 


I was watching the dishes just like before. I've missed this, cooking for the crew, Luffy's appetite just being the same as a black hole, mosshead asking for alcohol, and Nami-san and Robin-chan having their own little world by talking to each other. I've missed Usopp-Kun the most, he's so cute and dreamy. He even grew abs and a bunch of biceps!? He looked cute before but now, he looks hot. I wonder what he did the past two years, well, he clearly worked out but I specifically want to know what his workout was. 

I let out a sigh as I finished washing the dishes, everyone was outside, they were catching up on everything they had done in the past two years and it seemed a lot of them were interested in Luffy's story, as expected of our captain. I looked at the space beside Usopp-Kun and immediately sat there.
"How are you, Usopp-Kun?"
"Oh!? I'm fine, you?"
"Good, by the way, I wasn't able to ask but how is my cooking?"
He laughed, he was so cute... 
"It was amazing! I couldn't get enough of it. I never thought that your cooking could get any better but it did!"
We laughed along with each other and I moved slightly closer to him. I pretended to yawn, raising my hands in the air then rested my arm on his shoulder, the oldest trick in the book.
I sensed that Usopp-Kun tensed a bit, I don't know if he was uncomfortable or startled.
"Is this okay?"
"yeah, but the crew might start to suspect things."
"It's fine, except for Robin-chan and Nami-san, the others' intelligence is near to a vegetable's."
Usopp laughed a bit at my joke but I kind of have to admit, I wasn't joking. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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