Ch. 5

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05   How Can You Mend a Broken Heart - Al Green


Now he doesn't mind cooking for anyone, in fact he loves seeing the satisfaction on people's faces as soon as they take a bite, and the praising he gets in return.

That's why he was excited to create something that his new friend would surely love! If he were going to make up for a mess he made, he'll make sure that it would never even be thought of ever again!

...Or at least that's the idea.

Despite the breakup affecting his mentality of how he saw himself, he would never doubt his hands. The ones that were able to create a sensational art piece for the tongue. If anything, that was what he really had. His hands, and his ability to cook.

He might not be the best looking, or the richest, or the fittest, but he was a man who would find the way to a girl's heart through the stomach.

And as soon as he had the chance, he was going to make (Y/n)'s favorite food, a dream come true. Pleasuring her tastebuds with sensational flavors for absolutely no reason.

Maybe it was to apologize for getting her sweater dirty, but in reality it was just an excuse for him to cook.

During these messy times, he needed to distract himself from his gosh loving ex. You know? The one with the pretty eyes, the soft hands, and the long silky bangs that would covered her flaws.

Oh come on. What flaws? She's beautiful from head to toe... and he was lucky enough to even have such a treasure.

But what he hadn't realized was that he was too blinded by love to recognize she shouldn't even be considered treasure. Maybe he'll find out some other time, but for now his rose tinted glasses would be stuck in place for quite some time...

After enough distractions, Sanji's thoughts turned back to the meal he was making, and slowly wondered off to the hangout with (Y/n). The hangout had to be perfect, after all, and Sanji needed to plan out every detail.

A great meal tastes better when all the other senses are engaged, and for that there was many things to consider. Is the environment visually appealing? Does it smell decent? Is it too cold or too warm? Is it too humid or is it too dry? Etc.

With all these questions running though his mind, it started to sound like he was preparing more of a date rather than a hangout. A date he would plan with his previous lover instead of a a girl he just met.

The fact was, (Y/n) was the last girl he wanted to cook for. Or any other girl for that matter. A meal filled with love meant nothing to someone he didn't express feelings for. Sure, he can still feel satisfied cooking for a woman, but it's not like their smile meant much to him. He was just going to forget about them, and continue with down his path.

There was only one girl he had on his mind though, and every single compliment he received from her made him feel like the world...

But she's not there anymore. She's gone for now, and there was no way to know what would happen in the future.

Unfortunately, his habit of cooking didn't distract him, since it only reminded him of her. With all these thoughts in mind, he began to wonder if cooking for others was even worth it.

He started to feel like he didn't want to cook, and that he didn't want to make a friend. It's not like either of those would make him feel any better, so what's the whole point?

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