4. baldy and his wife

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The white haired female who wore the jujutsu uniform also known as Y/N was staring ( or what it seemed like due to where her hidden gaze was directed) at the female with a very easily identified expression; known as boredom. Signature sunglasses hiding her emotion besides the obvious frown etched onto her lips, Y/N head tilts to the side before letting out a sigh, brows furrowed.

"Man this is boring," She speaks, then turning around to face the group of members. Chuuya's were widened as his lips were a gape, what was this girls ability? "Just bring me the strongest one you got, I wasn't even scratched." Y/N waves a dismissive wave to the group before she was met with scowls and snarls.

"We prefer if you'd not underestimate our group members strength, it's honestly disrespectful and hurtful to us who have feelings young lady—"one of the identical males say only to get interrupted with empty silence and the sound of booing from the cocky sorcerer.

"Aw, you guys can't handle honesty?" A snarky remark was made by Y/N who snickers into the palms of her hands.

"Alright, how about you just attack us all at the same time? Let's see if you're still smiling, bitch." The other girl who was chewing gum ( reki)

Dazai merely crosses his arms — he was going to use this opportunity to learn about the mysterious female ability and many more. And he could also just sit back and watch the fight begin, despite it not being the girls battle and she was only tasked to defend them not take over the mission completely the brunette wasn't complaining in any sort of way.

"Well that's fine by me, no calling quits 'kay?" The white haired female smirks, watching the female who was slightly shocked to get up and go with her group.

Chuuya was sweatdropping a bit, brows furrowed before the male shrugs. "Shouldn't we go and help her? This mission is ours." Chuuya says.

"Let's just let her do the work, I'm tried of standing." Dazai groans, letting his words hang off before staring at her. "Tch, of course you are." The ginger rolls his eyes at him. Y/N awaits the upcoming attacks from the group, they all got out their weapons and potentially activated their abilities but still, they weren't anything flashy since it barely caught her eye. They all attack at a the same time, three lunging towards her and two of the females getting ready to attack.

the sorcerer raises her right hand without putting any effort into the action and flicking her whole arm behind her head — then of the members who were about to attack her ( not all of them, excluding one: Simon) had all went up into the sky and thrown behind her as though they were discarded goods from a local restaurant most people would feast upon.

The double black duo well known as Dazai and Chuuya have been eyeing the scene yet the amber eyed male failed to see when she had activated her 'ability' perhaps it always on like his 'No Longer Human'? He mentally thinks to himself, the ginger beside him was pretty sure she had the 'ability' to control gravity like him.

He was feeling competitive and the feeling of slight pettiness seeping through the marrow of his bones, still he shouldn't jump into conclusions that could be a far cry from the truth.

Y/N stares at Simon with nonchalant expression, keeping a keen eye on him when his feet thud incredibly harsh on the ground — breaking it, only falling into the females trap.

Y/N smirks when she sees how distracted Simon was and directing her palm towards his direction and unleashing a attack, an attack like a gust of air ( which is not ) had blown Simon and the damaged ground he stood on straight to the forest with the amount of pressure and power in that one attack.

The sorcerer barely broke a sweat and still is in the same position when she fought the woman from before. She takes a swift turn and was met with the sight of the people she carelessly thrown ( using blue )

"That was too easy, baldy over there wouldn't last the blow he took." Y/N spat, referring to Simon. "That baldy you're talking about is my husband." The female with the black curly locks ( zara) seemed pretty upset, reason understandable.

Zara stood up from the pile of people she was thrown on, staring intensely at Y/N whose gaze seemed to be directed to her.

"I won't allow you to easily destroy this group..we were having our group anniversary today, this group..it's a family to me so I won't let you to destroy my home!" Zara yelled before her ability activated — she was a person that could split into quantities of herself. Y/N's lips pursed at how she had to have more work, she really just wanted to eat some burgers they sell in KFC.

"When are you gonna quit spouting all this bullshit to make yourself and your group feel better?" Y/N released a 'bleeh' sound at her words, its was too mushy for her, yet somewhat relating in a sense.

The now determined and enraged Zara(s) lunged towards Y/N only to get all of her quantities and her main body pulled in by the same attack she used from before ( Blue ) shortly after Y/N raised her hand to Zara's main body before unleashing that same attack she used on Simon, having unleashed it to Zara's head — causing the woman to get blown away.

Y/N stares at Zara who got blown into the trees not so far, she walks over before leaning down at the tear pooled eyed women.

"You can't keep up with me." Y/N releases a jeer, a grin on her face before she held Zara up with blue and drags her towards The double black duo.

Staring at the woman who was teary eyed, bleeding from the forehead. "She's all yours, go ask her where the real weapons are." Y/N hands the woman to Chuuya who grunts in response.

"Now that's all done! I think this will be our last time seeing each other?" Y/N has her arms crossed below her chest.

"Ah not at all Y/N-chan! We still have more bases to find but their locations are still undiscovered so you'll be with us until the very end of the mission." Dazai chimes in — interrupting her who could be seen with pursed lips.

"So now what?" Y/N kicks a pebble beneath her foot, kicking it a few feet from her. "I'll send in a squad to retrieve the weapons from the location of the group." Dazai says, taking out his flip phone and making some calls and once he finished he turns to look at the two of them, Dazai was staring at Chuuya and Y/N with his visible eye.

"I got it, let's all go somewhere together." Dazai suggests, clapping his hands whilst at it. "What? Why should we??" Chuuya clearly in no mood to make friends expresses his displeasure.

"Well alright." Y/N sends a flashy grin both the males way, and then clearing her throat. "So where are we going?"

"The arcade." Dazai replied, a mischievous grin plastered upon his features.

HI SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATES!!! I've been lazy this week 👊🫶🌷

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HI SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATES!!! I've been lazy this week 👊🫶🌷

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