I fell in love with my piano

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Life is like a puzzle, impossible to solve, and sometimes it feels like playing the snakes and ladders board game. Every time I try to fix my problems and find happiness, it's like climbing a ladder, only to be brought down by a snake and plunged into sadness again.

It was 8 in the morning when I heard the familiar sound of the car door slamming twice. I glanced out the window to see my parents driving off in their Ferrari Purosangue. They were off to work, as always.

As I watched them disappear, a pang of guilt washed over me. It had been too long since I'd spoken to them. But I always isolate myself, and they never have time to ask why.

I wonder why they can't see my changes. It's been eight years since I started isolating myself, and they still don't notice. Do they not care, or are they just too busy? Don't they realize that they're the only reason I'm still here?

With a heavy sigh, I walked over to the mirror and ran a comb through my long ebony hair. I was wearing a simple playsuit romper, striped with blue, pink, white, and black. Simple clothes like these made me feel comfortable.

Heading downstairs, I had no appetite for breakfast. But I knew I had to eat to keep going, even if it was just for my parents.

In the living room, I spotted my grand piano, its milky-white body basking in the sunlight. It had been my best friend since I was five. It was there for me through every high and low in my life.

I sat down at the piano, my hands running over the keys, lost in memories. But as I remembered my life up to now, the tears came flooding back. I couldn't hold them back, crying until I was worn out to resting my head on the keys.

Hours passed, and when I finally woke up, I found myself in a surprising situation. A handsome boy with ocean-blue eyes was staring at me, holding me as I slept on his lap. I skipped a beat. My stomach tightened, and a rush of apprehension washed over me. My mind raced with questions. Who could it be? Why is he here? I felt a cold shiver run down my spine, but also strangely I felt comfort within him.

His voice cut through the silence and asked, “You woke up?” As he reached out to stroke my hair, I caught his wrist and delivered a forceful kick to his chest. He was thrown away from the couch with a loud thud. He groaned in pain. I leapt from the couch and seized the flower vase from the stool beside me, ready to defend myself. 

"Fuck!" I groaned as I tripped over his bloody shoes lying on the floor. Just as I was about to tumble down, I found myself unexpectedly hoisted in a bridal style by that boy. His warm breath hit against my face. Butterflies fluttered wildly in my stomach, my heart racing with a strange, new thrill. His lips, the colour of strawberries, were close to mine, and his cheeks flushed like cherries. Looking into his ocean-blue eyes, I saw the ocean. My hands were wrapped around his neck. Once again, he raised his arm, and at that moment, defenceless, I closed my eyes. I expected the worst, but instead, I felt a strand of my hair being gently tucked behind my ear by the boy’s soft touch. 

He revealed himself to be my piano, transformed into human form. I was sceptical, but his gentle demeanour convinced me. He explained how we grew up together, and suddenly, memories flooded back.

"You were only five years old when I was taken into your life. That day, you were overjoyed. Neither of us could have predicted that I would become your everything. You spent every second, every minute, every hour with me, and because of that, your parents often scolded me, thinking you were spoiled by my presence," he said, chuckling softly. Of course, he was right; I’ve never spent as much time with anyone else, as I did with my piano.

He just reminded me of how my parents reacted back when I would spend countless hours with my piano. They claimed I was spoiled by that non-living object. They noticed that change because I seemed happier then than ever before. But what about now, with this latest change that's plunged me into the deepest sadness? Why haven’t they said a word about it? Why didn’t they dare to address this transformation, when I’ve become possibly the saddest person on Earth?                

"I know who did that to you," he said, breaking the silence that surrounded us. My eyes widened.

"You do?" I stuttered, tears brimming in my eyes. He nodded his head and carried me to the couch and made me sit on the couch, taking a seat next to me.

Tears rapidly streamed down my cheeks. My mind was filled with questions; Who was that? Why did he do that to me? But I felt numb.

"Hey, listen. There's nothing for you to worry about because I'm here by your side now. I'll take revenge on that jerk when the right time comes. So, from now on, try to enjoy your life like you used to do before that incident took place. You can rely on me," he said with a reassuring smile.

"Promise me that you'll never leave me," I said, extending my hand towards him. He looked at my hand with a bitter smile, tears filling his eyes, but he kept his hand on mine. Without wasting a second, I cupped his face in my hands and pressed my lips against his, tasting the sweetness of strawberries on his lips. And as we embraced, I knew I wasn't alone anymore

"By the way, I'm underage. You're twenty-four and I'm only eighteen," he said with a chuckle. "But love knows no boundaries," I replied, gently caressing his cheek.


See you again with the part 2. ☕︎

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