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" I don't care about anything...I just wanna know how in the hell can you keep a woman in your damn house?...that too your fucking enemy's sister " 

Taehyung shouted on jungkook's face while he glared at him and said " lower your voice " 

His voice was calm yet dangerous while Taehyung huffed in annoyance and said " i didn't said anything when you took her to your mansion because that was need of the situation but more than two weeks has passed but still she's is living in your mansion...why?" He glared back at jungkook who rolled his eyes and turned around and walked across the table to sit on his chair. 

Jimin stood up from the couch as he also wants to know the reality behind that girl and said " yes, jungkook why are you keeping her inside your mansion...just because of her a rift has been created between you and Yn "

jungkook shifted his gaze to jimin and internally sighed as he knows how much his relationship with you got affected because of her.

" I told you both earlier that Laura is a way to reach his brother " he held the paper weight in his palms and played with it, speaking to them.

Jimin rubbed his temples while Taehyung stepped a little towards the table in anger " and she clearly told you that she doesn't know about that bastered' whereabouts then WHY?" he again shouted while jungkook peirced gaze pouring holes in his face.

Jungkook knows taehyung is right that Laura didn't know about his brother. She doesn't even know what his brother did. And What else has he done? She was his step sister but still he loves her and that is why he has been sending her money for the last many years. And she was investing that money in her studies and living. 

When Jungkook went to her house with the thought that she might have know everything about his brother and next moment he will kill her after taking out all the information from her but he was wrong, her brother had saved and hide her from the mafia world. She was unaware of his deeds. For her, he was the like a normal person who was struggling hard to fulfill her little sister's dream. 

On the very same day, someone attacked jungkook when he was talking to her but he was powerful enough to conquer that person who attacked him but Laura got scared and ended up getting injured in midst. 

He asked taehyung to take her to the hospital and thought who can attack on him, so suddenly except his fugitive enemy. 

And he was right. He tortured the man who attacked him and found out that he was behind all this as he got to know that jungkook would come to meet his sister. And taking advantage of the delicateness of the occasion, he attacked him.

But one question which was revolving in his mind again and again was how that bastered came to know that he was going to meet his sister. There is someone is his own, is related to him.

And just to find that he planned something in his mind and took Laura to his  mansion. 

Jungkook looked away from taehyung ignoring his words while he slammed the table hard and said in anger " you can ignore me but don't forget about Sara...If I get even the slightest inkling that.. that girl is involved in all these matters, then I will do the same to her as her brother did to SARA...MY SARA." 

With that he stompped out of the room in anger and frustration followed by jimin who gave him a last glance before walking out while jungkook looked at his disappearing figure and heaved a deep sigh as he knows Taehyung's love for Sara. 

He loved her...


More than his life but....

she doesn't.


You ran inside your room with fear completely visible on your face. Your chest heaved up and down while you rubbed your face with your both hands to get rid of tears that was streaming non stop.

You slide against the door and hugged your knees before mumbling to yourself

" No...that can't be true.." 

You chocked on your tears as you were still processing everything that you saw in that room.....in Jeon Sara's room.

The diary slipped from your hands when you heard the jungkook's car honk and when you were about to pick it up and put it back on its place you saw a photo slipping down between the pages. 

When you picked that photo and had a look, your whole world crushed down, ground slipped away under your feet and hands trembled while being hurt again. 

The person standing inside the photo holds an important phase of your life. And you felt goosebumps seeing that person's face again in your life. 

Soon you came back from your reverie and realised jungkook came back to the mansion. You placed the picture back into the diary and left the room as soon as possible before locking it back.

You closed your eyes and cried while covering your mouth with your palms as your sobs were not helping you either. Many questions arose in your head regarding the relationship between that person and jungkook's sister Sara. 

How she knows that person? 

You wanna know so badly. But whom you would ask.

There's no one.

You wiped your tears and stood up adjusting your hair when you heard jungkook's voice while his footsteps coming closer to the room' direction. 

He has a mistress but at night he sleeps with you on the same bed..why?....you thought this every night.

You walked towards the bed and laid down before closing your eyes, maintaining your calm posture. You heard the room' door getting opened and closed side by side as he entered inside. 

He looked at your serene face and untied his wrist watch before taking out and placing on the dressing. He opened his top buttons of his shirt before walking towards your direction and stood beside the bed with hands inside his pants pocket. He narrowed his eyes while taking your features in his dark orbs. 

Did you cried again?....he thought.

He looked at you for a good minute before turning his feet walking towards the bathroom. You opened your eyes when you heard the bathroom door getting opened and closed. 

You took out the key from your pocket and opened the side drawer of the bed before placing inside it, you closed the drawer. 

"I will put this key back in Jungkook's office room tomorrow" you mumbled and a tear again escaped from your eyes but you wiped it quickly and laid back down on the bed and closed your eyes as you really wanted to sleep to release your stress.

After some time, jungkook came out of the bathroom wearing sweatpants and shirt, he walked towards the bed and laid on it covering himself with the duvet before wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you towards his hard chest and snuggled his face into your neck inhaling your rose scent. 

Sleep took over you already while he turned you around meeting your serene face and caressed your cheeks. He noticed your dried tears and kissed your forehead softly before whispering to you

" I know I'm hurting you alot but you are no less..." He rubbed his thumb over your lower lip and bit his soft ones " Give me some time and soon everything will be fine between us.." 

He moved closer and pecked your lips before whispering " but trust me this time...love...please" 


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