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Standing amidst the aftermath of the explosion, jungkook looks calm and composed, but deep down, he's boiling with anger. It's like he's holding all that anger inside, but it's just waiting to burst out.

Everything gets really chaotic and messy yet so devastating and terrific as his surroundings are still burning in fire. Two' room-like cabins near the entrance got wrecked completely and there's debris all over the place. it gives a blow to his chest witnessing this sight in his own damn property. 

He knows he could fix everything but all this that has happened today is a stain on his image. If he could not save his own house from attack after being a mafia king, then he doesn't deserves the throne.

Yet, the best thing was, his guards already detected the bomb as it comes with a parcel. Everything entered inside the mansion after all the formalities of security, even if it's a fly. And no one was harmed that badly but his few guards got injured with the sudden blow of explosion but still they are out of danger. 

At the same time he was hella worried for you too, you were shocked beyond his imagination but he just hugged you and saved you from the attack and later asked you to go inside and relaxed as he knows the situation is definitely scary and intense.

You weren't ready to leave him but he ordered you with his stern voice and you sighed before leaving the scene. 

After hearing the loud voice of explosion, taehyung too came out of the mansion along with Laura and other maids working inside. But soon, after they went back to their work and taehyung started his investigation, 

to find out who could be behind all this? 

Because he knows that this attack must have been for Jungkook because people want to kill him because of his position and then they wants to establish their superiority.

For a moment his mind went to their most desired enemy whom they are searching from last three months. But no...

He was not behind all this.

But then who?

Taehyung was working on his laptop a little far from all this with his full concentration but suddenly it dissolves with the appearance of jimin. He raised his brow in baffled while jimin whispered something to him.

His eyes immediately turned wide at his words and about to say something but before he could, jimin forward a card to him. 

Taehyung took the card and read the words written on it in perplexity. He gave a look to jimin while he nodded before shifting his gaze to jungkook's back. 

Taehyung followed him before standing up from the seat, he too thought for a moment about the consequences and jungkook's anger before he spit his words

" He has to know about all this..." 

" but what about th-" 

" It's not just about him anymore..jimin " 

Taehyung cutted off jimin before he walked towards jungkook's direction while jimin nodded and gave a moment of thought before following him. 

Taehyung stood beside jungkook and on the other side jimin accompanied him. Taehyung thought for a moment to tell him the latest news which jimin gave him minutes ago or not as he could say that many things were going inside his mind. 

He may be calm but anytime his anger will get explode like the bomb. He shared a glance with jimin while he nodded and called him

" Jungkook.."

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