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The days following the wedding had been quite hectic. Subaru had swiftly begun attending to his tasks right after the wedding. However, Rem had stayed in her room due to extreme fatigue. She hadn't left the room for more than a week, finding even daily activities quite taxing.

After these uncertain and weary days, an elderly servant had come to serve their meal. In the room, there were only Subaru and Rem sitting at the dining table. The elderly servant quietly served the meal and then left the room, not wanting to disturb their peace.

Subaru was concerned about Rem's condition and wanted to help her, but understanding Rem's state of mind was challenging. This tranquil moment was a part of their efforts to overcome the difficulties in their new life together. Perhaps this serene moment was an important opportunity to recharge and support each other.

As the elderly woman entered the room, she looked at Subaru and Rem, thinking to herself, "Strange." She had seen many different and interesting couples throughout her life, but this couple was the oddest she had seen.

Rem appeared delicate and fragile; her blue hair cascaded down to her shoulders, catching the eye. Subaru, on the other hand, was quite striking with his tall stature and muscular arms. The additional eyes on his face gave him a somewhat devilish appearance. His tattoos added an extra allure to Subaru's appearance.

The elderly woman couldn't hide her amazement at how different this pair was yet how harmonious they seemed together. Despite their differences, their togetherness exuded a peculiar harmony. This couple was the most different and peculiar she had ever witnessed.

Subaru smiled, "What would you like to do for our honeymoon? I have a beautiful summer palace we can go to," he said.

Rem smiled, but a thoughtful expression crossed her face. "But what about the empire?" she asked.

Subaru chuckled softly, "It's only been a month since you became the empress, you're already used to it," he said. Then, placing his food on the table, he added, "Don't worry, I'll take care of things. My subordinates can handle things without me for a while." His words reflected the couple's intimate and comfortable communication.

Rem hesitated and said, "Um..."

Subaru's face darkened a bit at Rem's request. "We've discussed this," he repeated, yet there was a hint of sadness in his eyes despite his firm tone.

Rem continued hesitantly, "But..."

"Enough," Subaru said with a determined voice that filled the room. "Rem, remember that you are my wife. You are mine for eternity. You cannot leave the palace without me, even if it's just to visit. Do you understand?" he asked.

Rem bowed her head quietly, "Rem understands," she said softly. This conversation clearly highlighted the boundaries between them and their dedication to each other.

Subaru's smile returned, but when he saw Rem's expression, he paused. "Ahhh," he murmured, "Don't worry, you'll see her someday. It's not just a matter of time," he said.

Rem nodded. This moment demonstrated the importance of understanding and harmony in their relationship. Subaru's sensitivity to Rem showed his respect for her emotional needs. Over time, there might be more understanding and opportunities regarding Rem's request.

Subaru's mind was filled with various emotions about Rem. She was special to him, a rare source of tranquility in his life. Being with her gave Subaru meaning and happiness. Rem's innocence and loyalty stirred Subaru's deepest feelings.

However, there was also a surge of protective instinct within Subaru. Any danger that could touch Rem triggered the protective instincts within him. Protecting her became a priority, and if anyone dared to harm Rem, Subaru wouldn't hesitate to confront them.

The mixture of emotions within Subaru was both an expression of a loving bond and a deep sense of protection towards Rem. These feelings were a reflection of Subaru's dedication to Rem and the profound love he felt for her.


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