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Subaru, pacing back and forth with a worried heart, crossed his arms over his chest. With each step, his heart raced faster as Rem's condition worsened.

An hour ago, Rem had suddenly and violently started vomiting. But that wasn't her only issue; excessive sweating and fatigue were also taking a toll on her. Subaru's eyes were filled with the agony of watching his wife suffer. He felt torn apart, helpless.

In no time, the most experienced healers and physicians in the palace were summoned. Yet, minutes passed, and silence persisted. This silence only intensified the rapid beating of his heart; the uncertainty about his wife's health gnawed at him.

Subaru's inner world trembled with anxiety about his wife's well-being. Struggling between hope and worry, each passing second in the palace corridors felt like an eternity.

Subaru muttered, "It will be okay; it has to be," with determination. "If not, all the healers will pay a heavy price." His mixture of anger and concern was palpable. Rem's death would be a catastrophe for him.

His eyes reflected resolve, attempting to suppress his helplessness while keeping a flicker of hope alive. Yet, every passing moment strained that hopeful flame further. If his beloved lost this battle, his world would crumble.

Subaru's determination resonated strongly within the palace walls. The anger inside him spread like a wildfire, compelling him to wait with unwavering resolve. The threat of paying the price was not just an expression; it was a promise to do anything to protect his loved ones.

Noticing a healer leaving the room, Subaru immediately grabbed him by the arms. "What happened? Is she okay?" he shouted.

The healer, with a fearful expression, stammered, "She's fine, sir, just a bit overwhelmed, that's all."

Subaru's patience had worn thin; he roughly let the healer go and rushed into the room. Rem lay on the bed, somewhat drowsy and sweaty but, overall, looked better.

Subaru's heart continued its rapid beats, but the fear and worry gave way to a breath of relief. His wife's condition visibly improved, and that gave him hope. The anxiety in his eyes shifted to a bit of relief; perhaps the woman he loved was winning this battle.

Subaru embraced Rem, exclaiming, "Thank goodness," and kissed her deeply. "You scared me so much; I feared something would happen to you," he said.

Rem responded to the kiss, smiling and murmuring, "Rem is fine," then placing her hand on her stomach, she added, "And so is this one."

Subaru's eyes widened momentarily in shock; he didn't understand what Rem meant. The healer smiled, saying, "Your wife is a month pregnant."

Subaru's world seemed to freeze. He was going to be a father. The news felt like heaven had given him its most precious treasures.

His heart overflowed with joy, overshadowing all the fear and worry he had experienced. The sparkle in his eyes was a reflection of the happiness and excitement within him.

Being a father meant responsibilities and the greatest source of happiness in his life. The thought of a child, whether it had four arms or inherited only his hair color, filled him with a sense of wonder.

Touching Rem's belly gently, he thought, "This miraculous news, I am grateful for." "I promise to take care of you and our baby," he vowed. In that moment, Subaru was opening the doors to a new beginning in his life.

While embracing Rem, he was filled with joy. The shock and happiness in his eyes merged. Suddenly learning about this news was challenging to comprehend. They were going to have a baby. They were going to build a family.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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