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You felt like you were hit by something on the back of your head .

Opening your eyes the view infront of you was unique to say .
Tall trees surrounded you and you could see the slight sunrays reaching on the ground , it was quite calming..

For a moment you forgot that you died ...

Looking around you could only think one thing

"Why the fyck everything looks so animated "

After thinking through that thick skull of yours you finally decided to get up and look for a civilization or something.

As you started to walk you noticed that you were taking some quite small steps (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠)

"Hey now waittt aa minutee , how come my body is looking like that of a 10 year old "

True to your word your body was indeed looking like that of a 10 year old .
You were shorter in height maybe around 4'9 to 5 feet or something   (A/n: I am actually 6'1 in height ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ)
Your boobies were also shrunken in size

" Augh man they were huge back then and wth why am I so shorttt " you whined to particularly no-one.

Your clothes consisted of an indigo couloirs silk shirt which had top two buttons unopened and a simple pair of white pants and a pair of worn out looking sandals

Yeah you were quite a show.

You also noticed that your hair were the same ,  jet black in  colour and reaching your back

*Sigh* " Let's start the journey then"


You couldn't belive your eyes on what you were seeing infront of your eyes


" SO this was universe that whatever God was speaking about "

Walking closer towards the gate you could see two people guarding the gate

"What was their name again Kotsu - imuzo or was it kotetsu and izumu,
Meh whatever I guess I will just ask them to take to the hokage or something".

When they saw you coming towards them they jumped to their feet and pulled out kunais and pointed towards you saying


Surrendering your both hands in front of you you said calmly

" I don't know man I just woke up somewhere in the forest and just walked around until I came accross your Village"

' Do you have any weapons on you '??
They said eyeing you suspiciously

"Nah I don't even have food on me you guys talking about weapons"

' Ok follow us we'll take you to the hokage to settle you somewhere around the village'

( Oh God what the heck am I supposed to say to the hokage , what if he intererogates me and torture me
I think I will just accept my fate ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯) I thought while following Izumo and kotetsu in the village

Upon entering the village I could see everyone staring at me . I mean why not , like when do you find a girl who looks completely different than you and wears different clothes and is being leaded by two chunins
Who wouldn't be suspicious???

Soon I could see the red hokage building entering my view

Following the two chunins on to the stairs I soon came face to face of the door which is going to decide my fate soon .

"" You can go in now , we've already informed Hokage-sama about you""
Izumu said while leaving with kotetsu .

Here goes nothing ....

Upon entering the Hokage's office I
could see a brown desk and a chair and the current Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi
sitting on the chair and several unfinished paper's surrounding him ..

I bowed to him and stood up straight looking at him in the eye ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯

""So you are the child who was found on the outskirts of konoha "" He said while smoking his pipe ..

"Hai Hokage-sama" I said to him .

"" What were you doing on the outskirts of konoha all alone, It is not safe for children outside""

(Time to make up a lie
It's good that I am great at it)

Looking at him dead in the eye I straighten my back and said

" I don't have any idea Hokage-sama ,For a moment I was with my family in the forests and then I just woke up in the middle of nowhere and decided to look for some civilization and then I came accross your Village"
I imaginarily patted my back for coming up this shit of line ...

""Hmmm , What is your name child ""

" My name is Y:n sir "(you can take your name)

""So Y:n I have a offer for you , Would you like to stay in konoha and attend the academy to become a formidable ninja  ""

"Yes Hokage-sama I would like to stay here but I don't have any knowledge about being a ninja" (Please let me stay old man I wanna be able to oogle at Mr.hatake , that sexy mf , that fineee piece of art .. ) Ofcourse you didn't said this out loud ..

A:n Enjoy this pic while reading 👀
Damn he's so hott..

Returning my attention back towards the Hokage I listened to his next words

""Don't worry about that , you will be taught in the academy . .You can attend the academy from 1 and a half week from now and here's your money and a map to your apartment "" He tossed me a preety good amount of money and map

"Thank you Hokage-sama for letting me stay here".you took your exit from the Hokage's office .

'This girl has a great amount of chakra in her body ,it is even greater than that of Naruto's .She will be a great
Shinobi one day '. Hiruzen thought to himself while staring at the spot where you were standing .


Looking at the map you soon found your apartment.

Upon entering it had a bedroom a washroom , a small living room which was connected to a small kitchen and a balcony ..

"I guess I would staying here for quite sometime now "

' I need to buy some clothes and get something to eat and there is no food in the fridge '


You bought yourself a pair of indigo cargopants which were on sale, two full sleeve black shirts , a dark green vest to go on top and a pair of shinobi sandals

You also bought groceries to stock up your fridge and some weapons: 12 kunais , a set of paper bombs , 10 shurikwns (I would have to learn how to use them if I'm going to attend the academy soon)..

Upon entering your apartment you straight up went to your kitchen and started to make egg fried rice to fill up your stomach ..

As you slept on your comfy bed you were unaware of a voice saying.

WE will meet soonn....


Who do you think that was ..
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