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While walking hands full of shopping bags, Yn sighed cracking her neck. She stood infront of the lift which was supposed to go down. She looked around waiting for the lift.

The mall was full of people. Buying stuffs and children running around. Some held their parent's hands. Her eyes shifted towards the lift as it made a ring sound. As the door opened she saw a guy leaning on the bar. She stood beside him and pressed the button to the parking.

He looked at her for a moment and then again looked in his phone. She looked at the metallic door of the lift and caught him looking at her. She looked at him with a side eye. The bell again rang indicating his floor came. He looked at her once more before exiting.

Yn: I hope it's not what I am thinking..

She came to the parking and walked towards her car. She stopped once she heard someone's footsteps behind her. She turned and saw no one. She again faced the side she was walking to and started to walk. She again heard footsteps.

She stopped and dropped all the bags she was having. She closed her eyes and felt the air around getting compressed. She opened her eyes and immediately took out a pocket knife before throwing it towards her left. She heard a groan from there.


She yelled but no one came. As she took a step ahead she saw someone crawling out from behind the car. It was the same guy she saw in the lift.

Guy: H-him... *Gasps* K-kang.. H-

Yn: Wait.. who!? *Approches him* wake up! Who!? *Shakes him* Fuck!!

She held her hair in frustration. She checked the guy and found his wallet containing his I'd proofs, money and cards.

Id card:
Name: Ho dong min
Age: 23 Years
DOB: 03/12/2000
Gender: Male
Address: House no. ##, ****street, Seoul, Korea.
Issue date: 20/04/2022
Expirey date: 20/04/2030
Joined as: Bodyguard #56

Yn: Nothing much, casual information.. *sighs* How do I find if he is related or not.. but he took someone's name.

She said and sat beside the body. She again started to examine the cards, Id proofs and even money. She found a picture of a young girl, him and an old guy also.

Yn: It's her and him! *Looks around* I have to do something real fast..

She said and dragged the body towards her car and threw it in the car's trunk. She sighed and took her shopping bags before keeping them on the backseat and driving away.

In her cabin|7:30 Pm..

Yn: I have a body in my car's trunk, take it out and get it to forensic.

Taehyung: But.. hear me out first. You threw knife at him didn't you?

She stopped as she was about to sit down on her chair. She looked at him.

Yn: How do you know?

Taehyung: Yoongi hyung forwarded the mall's parking footage because it could get you in danger.

Yn: I know and I will confess that I threw knife at him but I found other marks on his body.

Taehyung: Marks?

Yn: Yes.. and unexpectedly I found this photograph of him and her with this guy.. in his wallet..

She said before placing the picture on the table. Taehyung was left stunned.

Taehyung: You mean a lead?

Yn: Cannot say.. but a blurry ones..

Taehyung: I see you're doing great.. and I'll take the body to the forensic and maybe I will not be back. I still need some cases to solve in the police station.

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