Chapter 26: Let it All Soak

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🚿Let it All Soak🚿


The hallway served as a let, a place for me to gather my feelings and thoughts following the unexpected scenario. I was filled with a mixture of humiliation, annoyance, and perplexity that persisted even after I turned to leave the closed door. I couldn't here any noise inside, they were silenced by the scene as so I was. It began to devour my mind.

I began to doubt myself as I locked myself in our room downstairs, processing what had just happened. Perhaps I'm exaggerating and Sage doesn't drink anymore or doesn't want to drink at the moment. I felt bad leaving; exiting like that probably made things awkward.

Although I was aware that Sage was a drinker, I wasn't positive if he'd go for a drink. I didn't know he'd pick the dare. Maybe I was jumping to conclusions, assuming things about him that weren't accurate. I started to doubt the gravity of the situation and my reaction to it, trying to persuade myself that Sage had good reasons to accept the dare...and kiss me.

It's just a kiss...Why am I so worked up about?

The fact that I don't like people's touch would mean I was severely taken aback by that. A kiss—it would mean small for him, but it's actually big for the kind of people like me. Now, does that count as my first kiss...I don't really know. I'm not even planning to know.

My eyes went for the door as it gently opened, only for me to see a person that'll never be on the list of the least I want to see now.

"Hey...doing fine?" Rijo entered before giving a smile.

Is it bad to think that It would be better if Rijo was my best friend in the first place? For the past months, I haven't seen Rijo made things that will wreck a friendship.

I nodded at him, my eyes slid down from his eyes to his hands holding something.

"Is that alcohol you're holding?" I asked.

"Tori gave it on the way. I might just hide it under the bed and bring it home I guess."

It's common knowledge that drinking may bring about joy and help you forget things. It's almost like an ingrained conviction that drinking helps you relax and temporarily forget your problems. Some see it as a short-term means of escaping tension or problems. The internet suggested it, google and not any other browser. It's good that I know one of that things.

"Can I take a sip?" I asked.

He had a gentle shock on his face. "No," he bossed while shaking his head.

"Are you my father again?"

"No," he answered while shaking his head again. "I won't let you drink 'cause you're thinking of something...and that something is related to what happened a while ago."



"I'm not asking. Please."

"You're not asking but you're pleasing," he pronounced.

"Please...! If I get drunk you're here."

"No, this is a bad place to get your first hangover..."

"Please...! Just when you want me to stop."


I found myself annoyed by his father-like actions. Why am I even listening to him? After all, I'm at legal age now and he's probably only a year older than me. "Wait, why would I listen to you? I'm turning nineteen in a few months now." I stood up, forgetting what was on my mind a while ago, and went close to him to take the bottle of Soju out of his hand.

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