🪔 Chapter One 🕯️

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         " Broken pieces are hard to be mended but can be turned into something useful and beautiful "

                 ▫️Dedicated to anyone craving for love ▫️

   ******  Charlie ........

"It's okay I understand " I smiled to the man I barely know even his name but because of my stupid hopes and faith I walked right inside this casino to humiliate myself for the hundredth time now ,I think it's time I accept that no man can love me anymore ,never .

" You don't have to feel bad ,you'll one day .....

" Find someone who'll love me and who I truly deserve " I ended his sentence this time ,come on who wouldn't say that , I have heard that line more than ten hundredth time now and it's stuck in mind without even reciting it daily ,how funny .

" I understand your concern ,you can have your peace ....am okay " I heaved as he nodded ,stood up slowly walking away from my table and I dared not to look his way ,I was used to this but not the pain I felt after every rejection I met my way .....I was still foolish to believe it would one day fade and I would jump with joy that finally am loved .

I grabbed the glass of liquor I poured myself when self introduction was done and downed it down my sore throat that still felt thirsty for more , I knew I was not thirsty for some more alcohol but the pain I felt was taking it's way up my throat and that burned like hell ....I guess that was alcohol though , hahaha funny .

Closing my eyes as I tasted the sore taste of this damn alcohol ,I rubbed my hands over my mouth to get off any left drop lingering around but none was there I guess I licked it then . Pulling my purse with me as I stood not daring to scan the casino knowing there would be some pity eyes over me and mocks too in my ways .

What did this fucking old woman expect in here ,some love and fun .....fuck that was over her age ...damn it.

Maybe that's what these all people are whispering to each other's ears if not making some harsh comments and insults ,gladly I hear nothing or maybe ignore some of them .  Walking from the table as I placed the money on it ,  damn this one couldn't be a gentleman .

Clutching the purse closer as I walked out ,I pulled out a tissue and rubbed the lipstick that  I thought it  looked beautiful on me and the mascara before it gets messy with the tears I tried to hold so much but I knew I would never win against them ,I never did before .

As the cool air touched my facial skin a tear rolled down and I rubbed it slowly as I walked to where I parked my car ,thanks God I controlled frustrations this time ,I didn't get drunk this time and this means am saved from Melly's scolding .  Throwing the tissue as I grabbed my car keys from the bag when a hand tapped my shoulder , I turned not wanting to waste anymore minute with any person ,so let's get over it I wanna go home .

" How can I help you ? " I directly asked and the young man smiled before me as he showed me my bank card ,I didn't know I left that on the table but I never used it from the start though .I glared at him as I took the card from his hand and thanked him not wanting to know where I left it at all .

" You dropped it back there " his baritone voice came through but me being fucked I heard it annoyingly ,I didn't want to deal with a man right now but I craved to punch one where the sun doesn't shine I guess .

" Thank you " I spoke opening my car's door ignoring him this time as I hopped inside and started my engine for my drive when he leaned placing his arms on my lowered window making himself visible to me but closer .

" Drive safely  " he spoke and I looked his way ,the fuck this man want now yet I nodded started my drive as he moved away and I cursed when I hit the road . Thoughts filled my wrecked mind as I processed what has been happening to  me lately ,no man seems to want me and I see nothing is wrong with me ,how funny is that .....Everything is wrong with me .

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