🪔Chapter Two 🕯️

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                " Love can be painful sometime but That's what
               Keeps us alive and if it fades sorrow accompanies  ".

***** Vance ........

I couldn't sleep last night all because of her , she had made herself a guest in my mind and had a great tour throughout the night . Images of her kept replaying themselves in me from when I spotted her with that man talking so docile to her ,back in that casino .

She was quite but interrupted the man and sighed , I guess it was a tough conversation after all . Few minutes the man was gone and she dawned her drink so hastily , she was stressed , that was a probability .

Paying the bill with a hard slap on the table , the man was a fool then , how can a man make such a beautiful woman pay for the drinks you both had ... Foolish man .

Moving from her seat after closing her purse , she dropped something I saw that and I had my chance then .

All I could think of was how she walked twirling her hips to the sides , I could tell she was into some Conflict with that man or something like that because she wiped her eyes and threw the tissue on the bin on her way dropping a card from her purse as clearly as I remember .

Picked a card and saw a chance for a talk .

Her face coming to the lights , so fair the skin she has got and for a moment I wanted to feel all of her , I called and she came over me with ' what's it look "   , those hazel eyes bore into mine that's all it took to fell in love with them .

After giving her a card , I never wanted to let her go in my mind and yes she stayed .

Waking so tired was one of the things I've got used to these days , what can I say when I always chose to drink off my stresses and leave my whole  body in tire . Moving from bed as I glared at the standing watch and time ticked hard , it was time I needed to get my ass off to the office .

Walked to the bathroom and started to throw my clothes off me as I hummed slowly until I was done though one thing stirred my mind , where would I find that woman again .

After sometimes of dressing I walked downstairs and got welcomed with laughters , I knew the voices and how bad my morning can be when one of it was from someone I don't like especially as the days go by .

" Oh , Vance good morning son " said my mother , Vailet sorrel or call her Mrs . Sorrel , how she likes to be called so for the privilege she always enjoy holding the sorrel's name .

" Morning " I kissed her cheek and walked to the other side of the table taking a seat , Vailet frowned at my action and I knew why and that's because I passed Bella Norman with no greeting , well let's say she doesn't exist in my eyes , not anymore .

" You still on hangover or just decided to ignore your fiancee " Vailet asked with irritated face as Bella batted her lashes innocently. I averted my eyes and looked for my favourite food on the table instead , Bella can play fucking games with my parents but not me ... I know pretense more than anything .

" Mother let him be , maybe he's having headaches " Bella slowly placed her hand on top of my mother's as she smiled to her own pretense , fake bitch .

" This brat has to learn some lessons you know , he's ought to be a good husband " My mother consoled her and she smiled smoothly while I cared less about their petty conversation , I dipped into my food peeking at my watch wanting to spend less second with them anymore .

After I was done , I moved from the chair and glanced at my mother's side whom gave me a warning glare telling me to dare deny her whatever she's going to say next , well she always does ever since she proposed the idea of me marrying Bella .

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