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While struggling to get comfortable in her new bed, Camila longed for her old room and the comfort of her larger bed

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While struggling to get comfortable in her new bed, Camila longed for her old room and the comfort of her larger bed. She longed for many things. The stillness of her unfamiliar environment didn't help either. Who knew busy police sirens bustling by, and the M96 bus stop was the white noise she needed to fall asleep. Not that she wanted to sleep anyway. With that came new problems and too many bad dreams and mind fucks. Like waking up from a deep sleep and forgetting for a split second your parents and sister weren't gone.

After tossing and turning for the hundredth time it seemed, Camila grabbed her phone and groaned as it read 2:45am. She knew that just lying in bed, she wasn't going to get any sleep. So, after checking on Jackie, who was sound asleep. Cami got out of bed and started searching through her boxes as quietly as she could. Smiling, she finally found her stash she'd been building up before the move. After grabbing a blunt and a lighter from her "makeup bag", she got dressed and went downstairs trying to find an exit.

Usually if you asked Camila if she liked smoking weed, she would say no of course. When she went to parties she would focus on drinking and hitting the slopes, because weed usually made her too lazy. But now it was one of the only things that made her sleep as soundly as her sister without the thoughts of her loved ones creeping in.  After successfully sneaking out of the back door, she sat in the middle of the open field. As much as she disliked the super quiet nights, she couldn't help but love seeing the night sky and the stars. She could never see stuff like this back in New York.

As the fragrant smoke curled around her, she gazed up at the night sky, feeling a wave of nervousness about her new school and the unfamiliar faces she now shared a home with.  After Camila indulged in more weed, a heavy sense of calm took over. Her eyes felt heavier as she laid down basking in constellations. But of course, with her bad luck, that sense of calm immediately shatters with a shrill ringing on her phone. "Shit!" She whispers to herself while trying to put it in silence, turning to face the house and praying that it didn't wake anyone up. She glanced at her phone and rolled her eyes in annoyance. Of course she was calling. Camila had blocked her on all of her socials but funnily enough not her number. After another ring, Camila groaned and answered. She thought, What the hell, what does this bitch have to say, that would make Camila forgive her. 

"What the hell do you want? Do you know what time it is!" A deep breath was heard through the phone, following a gulp. "You answered! I'm so sorry, I forgot you're in a different time zone! I just wanted to talk to you." Camila laughed to herself. "What could you possibly say to me that you already haven't." "I just miss you, and I'm so sorry! I fucked everything up! Camila rolled her eyes, "What are you sorry about Nicole? Are you sorry you were fucking my boyfriend?! Or are you sorry that you both were lying to my face all this time! Or were you sorry for me finding out the fucking day after I had to say goodbye to my family?" Camila scoffed, "Which of these are you sorry about?" There was a slight pause, Camila thought she hung up, but the call was still there.

All the times Nicole consoled her, comforted her, pretended to be there for her, none of it was real. It was all a lie. At the funeral, both were her support system, she was able to lean on them. Jackie just buried her feelings and was too busy planning the services and trying to make everything perfect. But Camila, she was a mess, she wasn't eating, she was always in bed and wouldn't talk. It was Nicole and Nate that were there for Camila the most, they made sure she ate, and both never left her side. But now looking back, was it just to conceal their lies? Making sure, she was too heartbroken to notice their betrayal.  When she did end up finding out, she thought she was seeing things. All the messages and photos from her on his phone were endless. She thought she was losing her mind, but it was true, all of it.

Still raw from the recent loss of her family, grief had already been set in her heart. It had taken its weight on her soul, and she was already cried out for them. Losing her family meant more to her than the betrayal of her best friend and boyfriend. So instead of crying and wanting to know why, the only feeling she had left was rage. It consumed her, demolishing the ones in her path that hurt her. From breaking and tearing the things he had ever given her, talking Camila's friends into breaking into her locker during gym class and stealing her clothes, and grabbing her hair into a locker and slapping her in the face. Camila's rage eventually subsides, and she was just tired, tired of everything. So, she told them she's done and to fuck off and have a nice life, but apparently Nicole was too stupid to understand.

She sighed and tried to stop the tears forming, so she inhaled more of her blunt and gulped. She needed this to end already, to "start fresh" like everyone's been telling her. "Just stop Nicole, we're so done. You're the only one that's still desperate to be friends! It's done now, you did what you did, and you have to own up to it and just leave me alone! Nate doesn't even give a shit anymore, that's why he even blocked me! If you love him then just date him and leave me alone!" "I... I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you. Even if you hate me just know that I still love you and I'm not going to be with Nate, shit just happened and I was being stupid and I'm sorry. I just want you to be happy like you were and if it's without me then I'm fine with that. I just... I'm just so sorry..." Finally, she heard the other line hang up and tears started rolling down her face. She just wanted her life to be back to the way it was.

A new voice rang through as she heard a guy's throat clear. "Uhh Hey!" She gasped and felt her heart fall to her stomach, clearly startled. She looked down rubbing her face to hide the tears on her skin, while quickly putting everything in her bag, trying to hide her things. She groaned when she saw Cole and rolled her eyes, "Ughh Cole what are you even doing here!? He smirked, "Funny, I can ask you the same thing." He then sat beside her, looking at her curiously. "Didn't think you were the stoner type." She scoffed as he took her blunt from her lap and lit up. "First of all, I'm not usually, and I didn't even offer you jerk!" She tried taking it off his hands but was unsuccessful. He inhaled and smirked at her attempt to stop him. She rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed the blunt from him and inhaled. "So, do you want to talk about what I overheard?" "Umm..No!" She replied and passed it back to him. "Good, cause I was just tryna be nice, but I don't care." "Good!" "Good." He responded. She felt something wet on her leg, she groaned as she saw a wet grass spot on her sweats. "Yuck, that is so gross!" He looked at her and shook his head and chuckled at her freak out. "God you are such a City girl." She looked up and stuck her tongue out at him. "And so, what if I am?" She passed the blunt to him and grabbed her stuff and got up from the grass. "Keep it, I have more." He smirked at her and took another hit. "Good night...City girl." She smiled and started walking back to the house leaving him in the field. She snuck back in successfully and went back into her room, checking if Jackie was okay. She soon got in her covers as she felt a calm hit her, she still was nervous for tomorrow, but she knew she could handle it. She was a Howard of course.


AN: So sorry for taking so long to update! this chapters took forever to write and it sucks and ahh! so this was just some of Camila's backstory! so way more to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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