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Stay safe!!


The reflection of himself stared back at him as he continued to stare at the reservoir "c'mon yuji! You gotta try it! How'll you know if you don't try it?" The albino standing behind him said cheerfully

Unfortunately the mostly enthusiasm that the pinkette usually emits was no longer there "but I think this a bit......reckless....I don't wanna do it" the last part was mumbled as he looked away "now you being rational,your spending to much time with nanami,I am telling you,and where the enthuasiam? Where's the yuji that I know!" The poor attempt at  cheering was appreciated a bit by the younger but it did not held any effect "I think I left it in my room,let me retrive it-" gojo grabbed the hood of his uniform before he ran of to his room to ignore the new discovery of his as he turned his position became awkward and uncomfortable as he hurriedly faced back gojo

"No no,no need we're trying here,and right now I have good news and bad news,which you wanna hear first?"

"Bad news"

"Get it over with huh? Okay so the bad news is,when words reach that you have acquired this new technique the higher up will only further assume the worst, as your already targeted for well being the vessel" gojo pointed at him as he said that "you having a technique is beneficial but as from the past the odds are never in your or mime for the better but I make them not the point,so it'll definitely be a disaster to bring it to them-"

"So we need keep a secret until I master it?" Yuji raised a eyes as he finished the sentence of the man before him who nodded "I belive kugisaki and fushiguro can keep a secret all to well"

"What's the good news?"

"The cursed technique that you have is anti-gravity,and no I didn't make you that name just now yuji don't stare at me like that it is a ancient technique that was lost as the time faded only to resurface as you now possess it,the good news is that all the people who possessed it before were Special grade so you have a chance to upgrade to a special grade"

Gojo-sensei stared at him like he was a star a beacon, special grade wasn't a grade to be acquired, it was something to be born with not something to claim as you run the stairs of success,gojo was staring at him like he was special

Yuji didn't felt special

Cursed,maybe but definitely not special

"You ready?" Yuji could only nod a bit as he stood of the invisible glass of gojo's technique "don't worry if you fall I'll catch you okay? Try to express your technique as much"

And suddenly the floor beneath him was gone,an embarrassing yelp left his mouth,feeling the cold wind as he fell, anticipating the fall-

The fall that didn't came

"Sensei! Sensei I did it!" A giggle left his lips as he stared down where the lake was,a precaution just in case,that wasn't needed now,thought not the same could be said yet about the future

Though his happiness was shot lived as his body went hasvard, he was like a puppet which's string were tangled as the owner of it tried to saparate them,his legs were facing the sky,as the blood rushed to his head

"Yo!" And his sensei came,and he just watched the play of deformed,up-side down ballet that was displaying Infront of his eyes

"Sensei!" A chuckle left the white-haired man's lip as he finally came closer,holding the younger with his as he straighted him,the blood from his head finally going to where it belonged,the dizzy-ness momentarily made him forget to glare at the man before him,the older watched amusedly as the younger tried to get it together

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