Chapter 1

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!Warning! - Anyone that knows my writing will know things are going to get pretty explicit. If that's not for you, I wouldn't read this story!

Love, Debs x


God, I knew it'd be hell being a 'mature student', you think to yourself. The title alone is embarrassing as fuck.

And it's not like you're that mature. 25 is hardly the age where you become the font of all knowledge, let's be honest. But as you stand in the corridor of the dormitory you've been assigned to, the sounds of teenage men loudly chugging beers in the kitchen and roaring at the top of their lungs, the 7-year difference feels like 27.

You clutch your bag to your shoulder, take a deep breath, and walk quickly down the corridor towards your bedroom.

It's ironically right next to the kitchen.

If they're going to be up at all hours, shouting and drinking, right next to my room...I'm going to go insane. How does the university think I'll be able to study with all that shit going on?

God, maybe I am old.

You unlock your door and close it swiftly behind you. The room is the size of a postage stamp. Your single bed is pushed against the longest wall, and a desk is opposite. The wardrobe can barely fit a week's worth of clothes, and since there's no en-suite bathroom like you'd requested because those rooms had already been assigned, you have to share one with the horrible loud boys.

I'm fucked, basically.

You keep your shoes on as you step inside - purely out of safety for your bare feet on the grubby carpet - contemplate how you're going to survive a year of this. It's only been three days, and it's already hell.

After putting your copy of 'What is Philosophy of Mind?' into your bag, you double-check you have everything you need for your first-ever lecture. No amount of noisy boys will suppress your excitement for this massive step.

You're here. You made it.

Kings College London.

Even though many of your friends didn't think you would. Not because you're not smart enough - you definitely know how to maintain a good work ethic - but because they thought you were too timid to do something like this alone.

When you were 18, you hadn't dared even apply. The idea of moving to a massive city, knowing no one, and embarking on a journey like this had been too much to bear. It'd taken six years to work up the courage to study Philosophy, and now you're here, nothing is going to get in your way.

"Y/N!" one of the noisy boys yells as you flit down the corridor.

Damnit, I was hoping they wouldn't see me.

You speed up, checking the time on your phone. You have fifteen minutes to get across campus, find the lecture hall, and figure out where you're going to sit. You do not need to get stuck in some stupid conversation with an 18-year-old moron asking what size dildos you prefer.

Not again, anyway.

"Y/N!" he yells again, louder this time. But you push through the dormitory door, letting it bang behind you before flying down the stairs.


Loki steps inside his lecture hall and takes a deep breath. This is undoubtedly a new experience. He'd given some lectures while in Asgard but found the minds in Midgard considerably more...restricted. He had no idea if his ways of teaching would go down as well as they had back home.

Lessons in Mischief // Loki FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now