chapter 27. lya parker

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I closed my eyes momentarily and finally got up from my bed, changing into a fresh pair of clothes in order to look presentable so I could question and introduce myself to the timid young woman named Lya Parker. Although it was somewhat late, it would be best to get to know Lya, similar to how I have done with the other residents prior.
     I headed downstairs out of my room and into the lobby. I looked left and right and saw no signs of Mrs Parker anywhere. I decided that it would be best to check the living room as it was a good hangout spot and the dining hall was not. I approached and entered the living room door and entered.
     When I entered, I had only seen two people in there; Mr Vidal, who was reading a book by the bookshelf, and the person I was looking for, Lya Parker.
     Elias looked up from his book as I approached Lya, who sat there nervously and shyly. I waved to her in a welcoming way and started to introduce myself to her.
     "Hello Mrs Parker," I greeted her politely with a handshake, "I'm Alice DeRoss, please to meet you."
     She shook my hand gently. "Nice to meet you Miss DeRoss," she flashed a smile briefly, "is there anyway I could help you?"
     I shook my head. "No necessarily no," I stated, "however I would just like to ask you a few questions to get to know you better. I'd also be happy to introduce the others to you."
     She flashed a smile once more. "Of course," she spoke softly.
     "May I ask, what is the reason for coming to The Manor?" I asked respectfully.
     She thought for a moment and shook her head quickly. "I do not wish to answer that, my apologies," she suddenly frowned as if that question had brought up bad memories or offended her in some sort of way.
     "I understand," I nodded, "well then I have one more question. You're dressed in a unique way, is there a reason for that? Perhaps a job?"
     "Yes," she answered, losing her frown and forced a smile once more, "I was a circus performer and I would perform in a bunch of shiny dresses and such. Oh, it was so fun, I wish it could've lasted forever."
     She began to play around with her gloves, picking each one of her fingers and pulling her gloves off but then not long after she would put them back on. I found this to be somewhat strange, but I figured it was just some sort of quirk that she did when she felt a certain way, or perhaps she did it just in general.
     "If it's not too much to ask for Miss DeRoss," Lya mumbled, continuing to put her glove back onto her hand, "could you please show me around and introduce me to some people? I'm a bit shy and I don't know anyone's names yet."
     I nodded. "Of course," I affirmed, pointing at Elias first, "that man right there is Mr Vidal, he's a surgeon and he's somewhat quiet most of the time."
     "Hello Mr Vidal," Mrs Parker smiled while waving to him.
     He glared over his book and closed it shut. "Hello," he muttered quietly, not wanting or trying to engage in a conversation with Lya, similarly with what he would do with Lloyd when he was alive.
     Lya took this in a disrespectful manner and ignored him shortly after. I escorted her out of the living room, leaving Elias alone in the living room by himself to read. I lead her to the dining hall and saw that John Hughes was sitting down at the table.
    "Hello sir," Lya greeted John Hughes politely.
     He stopped scanning over a paper with multiple numbers and letters scribbled on over it, I assumed that this sheet had something to do its his financials as he always brought up being too busy to hang out due to looking over some stuff in his free time because he ran a business.
     He looked up and noticed Lya continuing to stand there while waiting for him to reply. "Hello there," he welcomed her politely, going back to looking over his sheet of paper.
     After a couple of minutes that felt like perhaps a half hour or so, Lya was introduced to every resident in The Manor. She seemed to have gotten along well with Rosalie, Adeline, Genevieve, and Nora, as they were the most friendly towards her. She seemed to have been a bit uneasy around people such as Mr Vidal due to their cold nature. We met back up in the lobby to discuss how introductions went down and her opinions on every current resident in The Manor was.
     "I liked the group of girls the most, they were the kindest to me out of everybody here," she stated, "they were so welcoming towards me while I felt way too pressured near the others."
     "Yeah I understand," I nodded to her response to meeting the residents, "I'm sure you'll get used to the others though. They're not used to having a new resident in The Manor."
     I couldn't help but think how well Lya would get along with Valentina if she were still alive. Mrs Parker's makeup deeply reminded me of Valentina's runny mascara and smudged lipstick, they almost had the same makeup style. I wish Miss Foster didn't have to die. I wish nobody had to die, but that's the way it has to be in The Manor.
     Lya flashed a smile at me awkwardly after she noticed that I hadn't been talking for a few moments now due to the fact that I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about the previous games.
     "My apologies, I got lost in thought," I apologized for the awkward silence between the two of use for an extended period of time, "I was just thinking about stuff."
     "I understand," Mrs Parker nodded.
     I waved her goodbye. "I have to go to sleep, it's getting late," I explained, "I'll see you tomorrow Miss Parker."
     She flashed a smile once more and waved to me as I went up the staircase in the lobby, heading towards my room. Eventually I met with the entrance of my room and twisted the doorknob open. I walked into my room and sat down on my bed and then leaning back onto it, lost in thought once more while staring at the ceiling before closing my eyes and going to sleep. I couldn't help but think of various questions in my head while trying to fall asleep.
     I wonder who the last resident is. When will the game commence? Who will live? Who will die?
     Putting an end to these thoughts, I took my mind off of them and fell asleep peacefully, somewhat dreading the morning to come.

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