Leap of Faith In Love

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               Inspired by "I want to be with you " by chloe moriondo
High Valyrian in Bold

When Arien had been told the news of his betrothal from his father, he had been obviously elated. Daella was his friend who he could have a good laugh with, yet he had been thinking of her and when he would see her again since the celebration hunt for the young prince Aegon. He did not want to make her uncomfortable so he decided that he would never act on his romantic attraction.

Arien looked over the official letter about a hundred times until his older sister and brother strolled in to his chambers with smug smiles on their faces. His sister like a mercenary swiftly swiped the letter from him and placed up to the sky so that he can't reach it. He hated that she was taller than him at the moment.

"Look what we have here Davian, our little brother will soon be married to a princess of the realm." Said a most enthusiastic Lucille.

"So what do like about the princess Daella Targaryen?" Davian gave him a chuckle as he asked him the question.

Arien looked at them. "Daella is one of the kindest people I have ever met, but she is not a quiet person. She makes sure she is heard and naturally she is gorgeous, she is gorgeous like an Azalea flower." His siblings could hear the adoration just from the way he described her to them. Oh how precious their little brother was.

Arien had a request of his older siblings so that it would make this betrothal more enjoyable. "I would like for you both to come with me to King's Landing and before you ask about father, I have already told him about and he agreed it would make the betrothal more set in stone." He uttered looking for any sign of a yes from his siblings' faces.

"Oh Arien that would be great, I would be so delighted to meet my future good-sister!" Lucille started to twirl around his chambers with a beaming smile. She was quite happy at the thought of going to King's Landing and meeting the princess Daella , the one who had gotten her brother so smitten. Davian just gave him a nod of his head as his answer to heading to King's Landing.

"Well, let us start to prepare for the stay at King's Landing and since I do not know how long the stay will truly be, I shall pack as much as I can." Lucille said while hugging Arien before running off with her hands holding up her skirts and one of her handmaidens right behind her.
Alicent had been finding it easier to handle two children, but there were still days where she felt as she had during her pregnancy with Aegon. Those days came when she couldn't hold Helaena every time she would cry or when Aegon would throw a tantrum at the fact that he couldn't have sweets like honey cakes or custards.

It hurt that she felt like that because they were just children and she loved them dearly. She loved them so much that she put had their cribs in her chambers to make sure they were ok. However, now that Aegon was growing up he slept in her bed. She didn't mind it as it gave her comfort that she was doing her best as a mother.

Aegon ran around her chambers acting like his toy dragon was flying and she found it adorable. Alicent had been holding Helaena as gently as could since Helaena didn't like many people's touch like it burned her unlike Aegon who would go to anyone if there was a sweet involved . So Alicent would hold her most of the time to make sure she was comfortable.

"How is my baby sister Helaena doing" Daella had walked into her chambers with Alicent noticing at all.

"She is doing quite well."Alicent looked down at her daughter as she spoke of her health. Daella was quite glad to hear that news since she didn't want anymore on Alicent's plate.

"That is great to hear and I also have news on Arien." Daella sat down close to Alicent as she came bearing news. " He is coming to King's Landing in 5 days and will be coming with his siblings Davian and Lucille.". Alicent was quite shocked to hear of the extra people that would be coming but tried not to fret about it too much.

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