Chapter 1: The Highway

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It was midnight in the city of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. Around this time in a small house by the bush, a young Red Kelpie was throwing a party with his friends from childhood. The young adults were enjoying each other's company and having fun just being young and not having a care in the world.

Amongst the crowd of drunken 18 year olds sat a lone Blue Heeler who went by the name of Bluey. She was having a conversation with her friend Chloe until a slightly taller border collie approached her.

"Hey babe, do you want me to get you anything? I don't want to feel like a freeloader." He said.

"No I'm fine, thank you Mackenzie." Bluey replied.

As Mackenzie walked off Chloe looked at Bluey with her mouth wide open.

"Babe?! You guys actually got together!? I always knew you 2 loved each other." Chloe said happily.

Bluey blushed at her remarks. The 3 of them have been friends since childhood and Chloe has always tried to get her best friend to confess her feelings for the lovable border collie.

"Yeah we did. You should have seen the look on Coco and Honey's faces when they saw us kissing, you know how much those 2 liked him as well." Bluey replied smugly.

"I bet. Actually, me and Jack got together not to long ago as well. He's the cutest guy ever I swear." Chloe said.

"Aww that's nice, I always pictured him and Rusty getting together but then again him and Indy were always obsessed with each other." Bluey replied.

The night went by and eventually Bluey started getting tired. She went around looking for Mackenzie and found him playing pool with Rusty and Lucky.

"Hey babe can we leave? I'm tired." She asked.

"Oh come on I'm on a winning streak." He protested.

Bluey glared at him with a stern expression, the same one her mother, Chili, would use on her father. It struck fear into the souls of men, and her boyfriend was no exception.

"Damn! you really did inherit your mother's stare." Rusty remarked.

"Ok ok, we'll leave. Are your sister and her girlfriend coming with?" Mackenzie asked.

"I think so." She said.

"Alright, bye guys." Mackenzie said.

"Bye Mackenzie!!" Rusty and Jack said in unison.

As both dogs left the house they soon found both Bingo and Lila outside conversing with Chucky.

"Yo Bingo! We're leaving!" Bluey yelled.

"Oh ok. It was good to see ya Chuck." Bingo said.

"You too, bye Bingo!" He said.

As the 4 dogs got into Mackenzie's car they drove off from Rusty's place to Bluey's home.

"So babe, I was thinking if maybe tomorrow you could hitch me a ride to that job appointment I have. My mom and dad are gone take the family car to go watch the rugby game this Saturday." Bluey asked Mackenzie.

"Sure babe, you know I'm always there for you." He replied.

"I love you", she said planting a small peck on his cheek.

"I swear you 2 are always so lovey dovey it's almost cringy", Lila snickered.

"Shut up", Mackenzie said slightly chuckling.

"Hey guys? Can i tell you something?", Bingo asked.

"Sure sis what's wrong", Bluey said.

"Well lately something weird has been going on around town. So Chucky one day told me that while he was taking out the trash he heard...something in his backyard. Eventually, he checked out the place where the noice was coming from and saw what he could only describe as some sort of "furless ape" in a red cap and striped T-shirt."

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