Chapter 2: Ness or Beast?

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A day after the encounter with the creature on the road, Bluey and Bingo were trying to comprehend what and most importantly WHERE that thing came from.

"I can't believe that Chucky was right." Bluey said.

"I'm more concerned with the fact that that thing managed to blow up Mackenzie's car. This "hairless ape" or whatever it is, one thing's for sure. It's dangerous." Bingo said.

"True but did you see the expression it had on its face? It almost looked....scared." Bluey said.

Just then Bluey's phone rang, it was Mackenzie.

"Yeah babe?" She asked picking up her phone.

"Blue, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come with me to your favorite restaurant? Think of it as my way of making you forget about the...thing... that happened yesterday. Bingo can come too if you'd like =]" He asked over the phone.

"Sure babe I'd love that"

"Ok see ya there" *Beep*


Later that day at around 2:00 PM Bluey, Bingo and Lila all arrived at the restaurant. Inside they met Mackenzie who already had a table ready for them.

"Hey girls how are y'all doing" he asked.

"Surprisingly okay, even after what happened yesterday" Bluey said.

"Say Mackenzie, did your parents find out about the car?" Lila asked.

"Yeah. Long story short, I'm gonna have to pay for the repairs as punishment."

"Did you by any chance talk to them about.... What we saw?" Lila asked.

"Oh yeah they didn't believe me, what did you expect?"

"Why would they? It's all so... improbable. I almost kind off just want to forget that it happened." Bluey interjected.

Mackenzie grabbed her hand trying to reassure her that everything was gonna be ok.

"Come on babe let's just enjoy our company." Mackenzie said.

Afterwards they placed their order and Bluey's thoughts about the whole thing seemed to dissipate at once.

After nearly an hour the 4 dogs finished eating and left the restaurant.

"Hey so I was wondering if we should go shopping at the mall, ya know just to pass the time?" Bingo suggested.

"Sure" the 3 of them said in unison.

"Alright the lets g-HEY!!!"

Almost abruptly, a mugger took Bingo's purse and sped off.

"HEY THAT'S MY SISTER'S!!" Bluey yelled.

"LETS GO AFTER HIM!!!" Lila said.

The 4 dogs ran after the mugger determined to get what was theirs back. They ran for nearly 4 minutes, panting and getting tired by the minute. Eventually, they began to catch up to the mugger and where about to catch him until Bingo tripped and landed on her arm. She laid on the ground recovering from the impact, allowing the mugger to vanish from thin sight.

"Ow ow ow. My arm!!" Bingo said grabbing her arm in pain.

"He's getting away!!" Bluey yelled.

"Forget about him, he's not worth the trouble, Bingo's hurt." Mackenzie said.

"You 2 help her, I'll continue to chase after him!!" Bluey said.

The 2 dogs helped the red Heeler get on her feet. Upon further examination, they were glad to know that Bingo hadn't broken her arm.

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