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Captain: [Singing] Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Children: [Singing] SpongeBob SquarePants!

Captain: [Singing] Absorbent and yellow and porus is he!

Children: [Singing] SpongeBob SquarePants!

Captain: [Singing] If nautical nonsense be something you wish.

Children: [Singing] SpongeBob-

Drift: Okay. New rule. No going out after 9. And not at all unless I know where you're going.

Jetstorm: Were you worried about us?

Drift: No. I just need to know, that's all.

Annie: If you're not worried, then why do you need to know?

Drift: [Loud] I need to know, okay? Ow! Annie!

Mother in Store: [Apologizing for her daughter hitting Drift on the head with a box while shopping in a grocery store] Oh! Oh. Sorry about that. Sorry.

Drift: Kids, huh?

Mother in Store: Yeah, they keep you on your toes. You have any?

Drift: Two boys one girl.

Mother in Store: Some days are better than others.

Drift: ...and then some days you just want to close them in a box, and leave the box in the park, and run away you know?

[The mother in the store rushes off with her cart]

Slipstream: Quick! Hide!

Drift: Guys, what's all this?

Minicons: Toaster waffles!

Drift: You know, I can't afford all these toaster waffles.

Minicons: aww?

Annie: What

Drift: Well, in case you didn't notice, I don't have a job anymo--

Minicons: ♪ Christmas, Christmas time's near. It's time for toys and it's time for cheer. We've been good, but we can not last. So Hurry, Christmas, hurry fast. ♪

Drift: Wait my song.

Annie: All right!

Slipstream: Yeah!

Jetstorm: nailed it

Drift: Hello?

Ian: Hey, Drift! Hey! How's my favorite songwriter?

Drift: I-Ian?

Ian: Tell me you've heard the song.

Drift: Yeah. I-I-I'm listening to it right now, but I mean, how did you– When did–

Ian: Speed of business, baby. That's how we do it. That's how I roll. [chuckles] I got a friend in satellite radio, put it in immediate rotation. And that video of your little guys? 10 million hits already on YouTube! Bingo, bango, bungo, bango, bonga! [laughing] It's crazy! I gotta go. Hey, put some clothes on those guys though. It's uh, it's kind of embarrassing.

Annie: We owed you, Drift. So we're good with those toaster waffles right, drift?

Drift: All Right You Minicons! Ready To Sing The New Version Of Your Song?

Annie: You Bet!

Slipstream: Yeah!

Drift: Ready Slipstream?

Slipstream: All Right!

Drift: Ready Jetstorm?

Jetstorm: Ok!

Drift: You Ready Annie? Annie? Annie.

Annie: Heck Yeah let's go!

Minicons: ♪ Christmas, Christmas time's hear. It's time for toys and it's time for cheer. We've been good, but we can not last. So Hurry, Christmas, hurry fast. I want a plane that loops in a loop. ♪

Annie: ♪ Me, I want a Hula-Hoop. ♪

Minicons: ♪ We can't hardly stand the wait. Oh, Christmas, don't be late, hey, hey, hey! Ah, come on! ♪

Drift: Guys, that was excellent. Slipstream, great work.

Slipstream: Naturally.

Dave: Jetstorm, good job. [Jetstorm giggling] Annie, you were a little flat. Watch it. Annie? Annie!

Annie: Two, three, four!

Minicons: ♪ Christmas, Christmastime is near. Time for toys and time for cheer. We've been good, but we can't last. Hurry, Christmas, hurry fast. Want a plane that loops the loop! ♪

Annie: * I still want a hula hoop! *

Minicons:♪ We can't hardly stand the wait. Oh Christmas don't be late! We can't hardly stand the wait oh Christmas Don't Be Late! Don't Be Late! Don't Be Late! Don't Be Late!♪

Annie: ♪ Don't be late! ♪

Drift: All right. Toothbrush, huh? Okay. No.

Jetstorm: Drift, are you awake?

Drift: I am now.

Jetstorm: I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you? Please, You won't even know I'm here.

Drift: Okay, sure, but stay on that side of the bed.

Jetstorm: Oh, okay. 

Drift: Jetstorm, that's not your side of the bed. 

annie and the miniconsWhere stories live. Discover now