Part 2

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"When are they going to be here?" Duke asks, his foot tapping against the floor.

"Dude. Chill," I say, leaning back on the couch.

"It's the Teen Titans! I can't chill!"

"Just don't act like this around them. They don't like it. Especially Raven," I add. 

A/N: This is JUST a Damirae story. The rest of Raven's relationships with the Bats and others are platonic


"She doesn't like... nervous energy. "

"And you are a ball of nervous energy," Steph chirps from across the room, throwing a ball of socks at Duke's face. 

"What if they don't like me? What if-"

"Dude! Stop! You're literally making me sick with all your anxiety!" Steph groans, hitting him with another sock. "Raven's chill. Gar's chill. Jaime's chill. Everyone is chill!"

"Well, as long as you don't make Raven or Jaime's alien thing mad, you're probably going to survive," Tim tells him reassuringly. 

"Wait, so all I have to do is get on their good sides and we're good?" 

"Well, don't eat Raven's food or bother her while meditating, then you're good," Tim corrects. I grimace. One time I ate Rae's food, she... made my life hell until I replaced it. 

"She meditates? Can she even do that here? We're very loud-"

"Keep the library quiet as always, and she will be fine," Damian says, looking at Duke.

"The library?" Duke asks, concerned. All of the former Robin's, plus the current Robin nod. 

"You know, Dami, I'm surprised you care," Tim says.

"Of course he cares. Dami's got a girlfriend," Dick tells us in a sing song voice.

"One, don't call me 'Dami'. And two, I do not have a girlfriend," Damian snaps. 

"Yeah, yeah. You're definitely not dating," Dick says, mouthing to us, they definitely are.

"They're here," Damian tells us suddenly. 


"Alright. Wondergirl, Superboy...s, I guess, Beast Boy, Arsenal, and KF. You all behave, or I'll bring out the big guns and send you to a hell demonsion for the rest of this mission," I warn them, adding a pun because I'm bored.

"Yeah, yeah. We'll control them," Jaime assures me. I nod slowly, and then press the buzzer. 

"Hello?" Tim says, his voice barely recognizable over the comm.

"We're the Teen Titans," I say.

"Well, solve this riddle to prove it," he tells me. Honestly, I'm offended.


"How long is a string?" Tim asks. Well, let's see. 

"Sixty feet," I answer.

"What? Um... prove your answer."

"I'm planning on making a rope with it."

"Um... why?"

"Obviously to choke you with because there's no real answer. Also, technically, there's no wrong answer. So open up." Did I mention that I'm hungry? Despite popular belief of me not eating, I actually eat quite a lot. I have a demon metabolism, and they eat people for breakfast, so... yeah. And, no, I don't eat people. Well, I mean, there was that one time, but I had my demon half spit him out! He made it out alive! Also in Dick's words I start acting like a "serial killer on meth" whenever I'm hungry. Whatever that means. 


"I think Rae's hungry," I say. 

"Yes. She tends to have a lot more patience," Damian tells us.

"Does this mean she'll eat me?" Duke squeaks. We all stare at him, then I nod solemnly. 

"Yes, if you annoy her. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened," I tell him. Surprisingly, Damian nods along with me.

"You ever wonder about what happened to the traitor? Besides Terra?" he asks Duke. 

"What traitor?" Duke asks.

"Exactly. Raven ate him before the rumors spread too far," Damian says, like he's telling Duke a horror story around the campfire. 

"What?" Duke sounds absolutely terrified.

"It's true. She ate his employers too. Every heard of the Blood Moon cult's mysterious disappearance?" I ask. He shakes his head quickly. 

"Because she ate them all," he tells him, making sure Duke is trembling with fear before continuing, "and when her hunger still wasn't satisfied... she came for the Titans next. But there was only one person at the tower when she arrived." Damian slams his hand on the table with a loud bang. This is so going to involve me, isn't it?

"And that, Thomas, is the real story of how Todd died," Damian finishes. Knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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