The disappearance

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I was walking home when I noticed a small object in my path. It was furry and shivering. A small black cat. They say black cats crossing your path are bad luck. I don't believe in superstitions like that so I bent down to get a closer look. When I did, I noticed that the cat seemed to be hurt.

I picked it up and noticed someone in a black coat was standing directly in front of me. I tried to look at his face, but he wouldn't take the hood off. "Hey." He said, in a deep but gentle voice. I inspected the rest of him and saw a small scar on his right hand. "What's that?" I asked. He answered hesitantly. "It's a scar from cooking." He pulled his sleeve down to cover the scar as he talked.

The scar seemed a lot like Dean's. Dean got his from cutting onions. He missed the whole onion and cut his hand. That clumsy fool. I was lost in thought and when I finally looked up I noticed that the man had left.

I almost forgot I was holding the cat when he meowed. It was the cutest meow. Dean would like this cat. I know it. I went home to find Dean in the kitchen eating a sandwich. He was wearing a black coat too. "Hey! You're home!" He walked over to me and looked down at the cat. He seemed very excited to that I brought him home . "Aww! Who's cat is it?" Dean asked, petting the cat. "I don't know. I found it in the street." I answered with a soft tone.

Dean took the cat from my arms to hold him. The cat started purring. I guess it likes Dean more than me. "We can keep him, can't we?" I pleaded, "He looked hurt and whoever he belongs to obviously isn't taking care of him." Dean rolled his eyes at me and smiled. "Of course we can keep him, Paul. I love cats. Though if we find someone who's missing him we might have to give him back."

"Well they should keep better track of their pets then. Finders keepers, you know." Dean put the cat down and he ran to brush up against my leg. "So what should we name this guy? He needs a cool name." I racked my brain for names that we would both like. "How about Reaper?" Dean immediately shook his head, "Nope. Sounds like he's about to tell us it's our time."

"Okay, what do you think about Spike?" This time Dean laughed. "Absolutely not. Do you want our cat to be named after a Tom and Jerry character?" I laughed along. "Yeah that one was stupid. Alright, I think I've got it. Are you ready for this one?" Dean clasped his hands together, "Yep. Bring it on."

I drummed my fingers on the coffee table for dramatic effect. "The name for our brand new cat is-"

A sudden thud was heard from outside. "What in the world was that?" Dean shrugged his shoulders and I went to open the door to see what had happened. When I poked my head out I could see a figure across the road. He looked like the man from before. "It's the hooded man again. What's he doing here?"

"The hooded man? Paul did something happen?" I explained to him the encounter I had with the man earlier. "Wait. The hooded man? Paul you don't mean..? No. It couldn't be. He wouldn't do this to you. At least, I don't think he would."

"Dean? Are you alright? Dean?" He was pacing he floor like a maniac. "Paul. I need you to go in the room and get my spell book. It's in the box under our bed." What is he talking about? Dean's not the type to prank so it must be serious.

"Spell book? Dean what is going on?" I try to calm him down by placing a hand on his shoulder, but he just shook it off. "No time for questions Paul. Go. NOW." I hurried inside our room and got the box. I opened it to find a giant, heavy book. I took it to Dean. "Dean I got it." He looked panicked, but his face relaxed a little when he saw the book. "Ok. Good. Now stand back." I did what Dean told me to, a little afraid and confused.

He was about to say something when someone burst through our front door. It was the hooded man. "No. Why. Why would you do this to him. Why Neil?" Dean spoke with such a tone of despair that I've never heard before. "Because Dean. I knew you loved him. True love. How cute. That's why he's the perfect candidate."

Whatever is happening, Dean knows this man. This isn't just a coincidence meeting or a wrong place at the wrong time. Somehow it makes this scarier. Dean has been hiding secrets from me for god knows how long. "Neil. I can't believe you. Neil, I thought you would stop this. Why Paul. Why not me?" The hooded man snickers at Dean. Clearly not interested in him at all. "Why would I want to take you instead? You're a disgusting little misfit who just got lucky."

"Because if you take me instead, you'll finally get what you wanted. Dad's approval. Something I will NEVER get. You'd be Dad's favorite. Isn't that what you wanted." The man contemplates his offer and eventually accepts it. "Hmph. Fine. I did always want you to suffer. Deal. I leave Paul alone and take you instead. He can keep the cat. I never like the stupid thing anyways."

I tried to say something, anything that would make the man change his mind. He wanted me in the first place so why is he taking Dean away. I don't think I could live with out him. "Well, we better go before sunrise. Bye bye Paul."

"Wait! Dean! You can't leave me! Leave him alone, you creatin. Dean!" Dean turned around. "I'm sorry Paul. I have to leave. I love you Paul. Take care of the cat."

"I love you too Dean." We shared a goodbye kiss and I could feel the tears on both sides. "Dean..." That's all that could come of out my mouth. "Goodbye Paul." That was the last thing I ever heard from Dan. The last time I ever saw him. And the last time he said he said he loves me.

We weren't even engaged for a week yet. Tears streamed out of my eyes like a waterfall. All I could think about was Dean being dragged out the door.

The cat nudged me and I dropped to the floor. I started to pet him when he started talking. "I can help you.."

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