° Chapter 2 °

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Chapter 2: Making Bets, Collecting Debts

"Woah! What happened? Hey, you alright?" Jolyne helped you get up the floor. Your body still feeling heavy because of F.F carrying your Stand.

"Y-yeah I'm alright.." You said, a little hurt from the fall.

"Yo, kid. You just came outta nowhere and fell like that. I'm surprised you aren't crying right now" Hermés, standing, was guarding Foo's cup in the bench while also, along with Jolyne and F.F, staring at you, a tad bit concerned.

"Also, what's a kid like you doing in this prison? I definitely haven't seen you around here" Jolyne is wiping the dirt off your clothes gently.

"Ah well... erm-" You tried to come up an explanation. They definitely wouldn't believe you if you told the truth right now.

"Can we start now, Jolyne? I wanna play already" Foo placed one foot forward and raised the ball above them while also forgetting that they are still carrying your plush Stand with their other arm, "I am ready so.."

"Alright just wait for a bit..." Jolyne crouched to your level. "Hey um... why don't you go to sit to where that woman is" Jolyne pointed at Hermés. "Don't worry... She won't bite... Just go sit there for now, okay?" Jolyne led you to the bench nearby and you sat at it, beside F.F's cup of water and of other stuff you advise anyone not to consume.

"And F.F, put the bear on the bench too." Jolyne said as Foo headed to the bench and placed the bear plush there. Then, they looked at you "Hey um.. want to play with this?" F.F put the plush on your laps and then headed to their original position earlier, ready to play catch. Your body finally feeling lightweight as no one was carrying your Stand.

Foo placed one foot in front of them and raised the ball above their head, preparing to start.

F.F's position was quite funny, at least Jolyne found it as that. "You've never actually thrown a ball before, am I right? I am sorry, but you look like you're trying to block the sun or something"

"You look like someone that caught a meteor by accident. The only thing missing is a shocked expression that you realized you accidentally caught a meteor, like this." Hermés then proceeded to mimic a shocked face for a second and then reverted back to normal, "If you add that, it's going straight to the Perfect Timed Reactions list. And you know what, I'm willing to bet you don't even know what a ball is and only found with that body's memories" Hermés laughed.

Foo jumped and tossed the ball to the recently fatherless Joestar/Cujoh.

Jolyne caught the ball fairly easily. "Here's a tip of advice. Snap your wrists whenever you throw it to give you better aim" She then passed it back.

They continue passing the ball to each other until...

"Hey! Can you believe we haven't dropped the ball once? I mean, we've been going for eighty-five times already and... we're still going! Think we can make it til' a hundred?" F.F went for a little more, "Eighty-seven! This is crazy!" However, a woman of purple hair suddenly appeared to them.

The purple-haired woman stared at Jolyne. "A hundred dollars if you make it to a hundred catches". Jolyne, hearing her, turned to look at the woman. "Will you make that bet?"

"Sorry, but who are you? And what exactly are you saying?" Jolyne continued to look at the purple-haired woman. F.F doing the same, as well as you and Hermés from the  bench. Are you really about to get involved in this whole thing? You thought as you continued watching the events unfold, already somewhat familiar since you watched the anime.

She scanned all of you, focusing on Jolyne more. "My name is Miraschon. Also FE26789 is my Prisoner Number. I'm saying you won't catch the ball. I'm willing to bet a hundred dollars that your game of catch shall end before you reach a hundred throws

"And... don't you think this is coming out of nowhere? Why do you say all this? What do you want to get from us?"Jolyne, skeptical of the purple-haired woman, and she really doesn't have time for betting games like this, not that she wants to anyway. "Listen, go find someone else to bet on. Sorry, but we don't care about getting anything. We just had nothing to do so, we'll pa-.

"Let's do it! Just thirteen more passes right?" Foo said confidently. "Hey, not another word!" Jolyne pointed at F.F, before briefly calming down. "And regardless, I don't have any money near that amount that you asked for.  It won't be a bet."

"It can also be anything other than money, you know? I'll takes drugs, cigarettes, gums, drugs, your dad and even a vibrator. Anything with value will be enough." Miraschon said while continuing to stare at Jolyne and F.F, not really paying attention to you and Hermés.

"I'll be frank with you. I don't do bets, so get lost already. Like I said, find someone else that wants to, not us." Jolyne was getting a bit irritated on repeating herself, and was adamant on not doing the bet, when no one else says anything at least.

"Hey, wait a sec." Hermés approached Jolyne. "Jolyne, I can lend you money if you don't have the right amount. F.F sucks at throwing, but they've been able to keep up eighty-seven times. I'm sure luck won't run out just yet."

Jolyne's skepticism on Miraschon remains, "It's not just that. I don't know about you, but I've got a feeling that White Snake is involved with this."

"Listen, she may be that, but Miraschon's a stupid gambler who ruined her life from making bets and committing armed robbery. Think about it. When you finally use the phones to get visits, you'll wish you had this money to skip the line." Cotello was telling the advantages of having money for taking the bet to Jolyne, helping her to save her father, Jotaro Kujo even faster.

"Count me in guys! I believe we can win this!" F.F was really confident that they could win the bet by Miraschon. Meanwhile, you just sat there, in the bench watching them and currently questioning why the hell are you even in the JJBA universe. Sure, some other person would probably want to be in your place, but being sent in another dimension with the lingering fear if you'll be stuck in it forever and the danger that it holds, was definitely not what you wanted.

You really have no idea how to escape, but for now you'll stick with Jolyne and the others. You already know about White Snake's identity, but no one's gonna believe you right now, so you decided to just go with the flow in the meantime. 

"Alright alright." Miraschon spoke, "But are you sure you even have a hundred dollars on you?" Suddenly, the ball was thrown and landed on the glove Foo was holding. 

"Fine, we'll play. But if you raise your voice or move even one step from that spot, then it's off. Got it?" Jolyne was still skeptical about everything, but decided to accept the deal for her benefit. Maybe she could even ask the purple-haired woman information about White Snake. You continued sitting on the bench, already knowing what will happen later, but there's no doubt you will be disturbed about it. You looked at Hermés from the distance and lightly said under your breath, "Sorry, girl. But... things will get very painful for you later on." Not that she could hear you anyway or is paying attention, but you feel bad for her so why not. Even if she'll be fine later on anyway.

"So the game has begun. But it wouldn't be fair if the distance is too close or if you hold the ball for too long. Otherwise, I'd like to consider that unfair advantage for you." Miraschon held her right elbow on the top of her left wrist, doing a mini-pose. Jolyne complied, "3 Meters apart. At 10 seconds will do."

Foo laughed playfully, while preparing to throw the ball, "Alright! Let's begin!" Hermés made her voice loud enough for F.F to hear because she was beside Jolyne, which was a bit far to Foo, "Just remember to calm down when and before you throw. You've got 10 seconds so give yourself some time!"

Miraschon was standing beside the bench where you sat at. You noticed this but pretended to ignore her due to being intimidated. Hopefully she won't pay attention to you, or at better yet, not even know you're there at all.

Well sorry, but you've got the worst luck ever. Miraschon sat beside you, or rather your bear stuffed toy Stand on the bench, also beside F.F's cup.

F.F threw the ball and Jolyne caught it, "And that makes eighty-nine!", she laughed playfully, "Now there's only 11 more to go, and we win the deal!" Foo then noticed Miraschon sitting, "Hey! Get those sticky fingers the hell away from my water cup!" Jolyne threw the ball, "Hey!" Foo continued staring at the purple-haired woman sitting on the bench, worried she might take the water. Just then, she barely caught the ball on the brown glove while falling to the ground from the sudden event.

"Way too close. Just concentrate!" Hermés was relieved. Foo then stood up, "That's not it! F.F pointed at Miraschon "She's the problem! What is she doing near my water?! Foo yelled, being mad about the purple-haired gambler sitting beside their water, even though you were there before Miraschon sat on the bench.

"I'm just spectating quietly from here." Miraschon continued being stoic. "Well do it away from my cup or else-!" Foo continued staring angrily at the woman. Miraschon sighed, "Fine, whatever. Clock's ticking."

"Go, F.F! Throw the ball!" Jolyne was worried they were about to run out of time. "Screw this girl! She's bugging me-!" Foo didn't want the Miraschon near the water cup. They don't want anyone near their water cup, but they trusted you enough that you wouldn't take it. You were just a kid after all.

Hermés approached the bench then grabbed Foo's water cup, "Here! I'll hold your water now just go and throw the ball at Jolyne already!" Miraschon stood up and then looked at you who was siting for a split second, then watched the 2 girls again, "One second." Jolyne stepped one foot forward, "Throw it!"

"Shut-" Foo threw the ball, but in a state of panic, they accidentally threw the ball in the direction towards the bench, where you are currently at. The ball is heading directly towards you and it will hit you in approximately 4.69999 seconds if isn't stopped.

Jolyne jumped out of instinct towards the direction of the ball. However, she forgot you were sitting there and while jumping in the direction of the bench, she barely missed and avoided hitting you due to not being close enough. Just then, Jolyne is hit into the ground, but she is somehow able to catch the ball.

It's only a matter of time before things get really ugly, and the thought of it only increases your fear on the current situation.

Chapter 2 END.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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