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The  upper.  ranks  in  the  crescent
Moon  pack  walked  into  the  CMP
conference  Hall  for  a  meeting  with
the  Alpha.

" Where's  Aiden?" Mira  the  leader
of   the   upper  ranks   asked,  Dojo.

" He'll   be   here  any   minute."  He
replied  showing  Mira  a  seat.  She
abruptly  glancing  at him.

" I  have  no much time." Mira  said
with  anger  in  her  tone  as  she looked at the wall clock.

" Aiden doesn't deserve to be an
Alpha.He doesn't take his roles seriously.

He's  never  around. He  gives  silly
excuses  behind  his every  actions."  Seth  spoke in  annoyance about Aiden, which made Natasha flare up.

" How dare you! You have no manners. How can  you say  such a

thing  about your  alpha.   Sure  he has
made  mistakes but no one is perfect.
  And you have  the  guts  to  speak
wrongly about him."   Natasha  was  so angry  and  Dojo  kept trying to calm her down.

" Natasha  calm down.  Tasha, stop."  He  whispered pulling her from

attacking Seth.
" How  can  you tell  me  to calm down
when this mannerless  wolf can't
control  his  speech." She pointed at
him in anger.

" How dare you!" Seth  gave her a death glance.

" You  heard that." Tasha stood her
" That's it. Natasha leave the
conference Hall!" Mira could no
longer endure Tasha's mannerless.

" Gladly !" She spat and walked out
angrily with Dojo by her side.

" We need you her Dojo." Elena , the
last member of the upper ranks said.
Dojo let Tasha go and returned to his

" If  your  our  Alpha  is  not  around then  where  is  our  Theta.  We  don't have time to waste." Elena was running out of patience.

At first, Dojo hesitated,  then spoke up.
" Em. Our Theta has been... missing
Since last night.  Aiden will be sending
some pack soldiers to search the
forest tomorrow. " Dojo said scared.

" Why tomorrow.  Knew he was 
irresponsible." Seth scoffed,  folding

his arms.
" He thought it wouldn't be smart
going  today because the vampires
might still  be around, but this time a
primordial along with them." He
announced sadly.

He really missed his Theta even
though Ari never liked him.

" That would be a problem."  Mira
tried to side for him.
" It would but stop taking their side.
We need a new Alpha." Seth said.

" Their will be no new Alpha. Aiden is and will forever be our Alpha." Dojo took a stand for him.
" I  mean, he's really trying.". Dojo immediately calmed down and regretted ever raising his voice at the upper ranks.

" Are they all mannerless?" Elena  asked Mira. Mira looked away not

steering at Dojo.   Immediately, Aiden
walked into the room. He was worthy
to be called an Alpha. His steps
potrayed respect and loyalty, his scent
and ferociousness needed in an Alpha.

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