Kung fu panda part 4

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Meanwhile, far away in the snowy mountains of Mongolia, Zeng the palace goose is approaching the fearsome Chor-Gom Prison. A rhino guard watches as Zeng flies past him, tired from the journey. With a cry, he crash lands on the ground outside the entrance doors, clutching a scroll. In an instant, two rhino guards thrust their spears in his face.]
"Oof...tough crowd man."Peter Quill muttered.

Wait, wait, wait wait! I bring a message! [The guards keep their spears pointed.] From Master Shifu! [The rhinos relax slightly. The enormous entrance doors are opened. Minutes later, Commander Vachir, the warden, is standing in front of the frightened Zeng, reading the scroll. What he reads enrages him.]

WHAT?! "Double the guard? Extra precautions? Your prison may not be adequate?" [He slams the scroll shut and glares down at the quaking Zeng. The guards behind the goose grip their weapons, equally outraged, and stare daggers at him.] You doubt my prison's security?
"It probably sucks, so yea."Ruby said,rolling her eyes.

Absolutely not. Shifu does. I'm just the messenger. [He gulps, intimidated.]

I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. [He proceeds to lead Zeng along the bridge across from the doors.] Escape from Chorh-Gom Prison is impossible!
"Escape from prison isn't impossible. I've escaped 24 prisons!I bet this one won't be different."Rocket boasted.

"So, do u wanna end up there, or..."Amber remarked, deadpanned.

"I was just saying i could, fox lady."

"Urgh.....I swear i have to do this stupid job."Amber muttered. She didn't want to do this, Ruby did,it was her idea to bring them here. Amber's job was to watch them and record their reactions. Ruby was in charge of everything, from the movie screenings, to info giving, break arrangements and off screen team games/projects later on.

[Zeng looks in awe around the cavernous prison. He then looks over the side of the bridge into the dark and seemingly-bottomless abyss. Vachir suddenly slaps Zeng on the back, startling him and knocking a feather from his body, which floats down from the bridge.]

[Laughs.] Impressive, isn't it?
"Not really."The crowd chorused.

[trembling] Oh yes, it's very impressive. It's very impressive!

[Vachir leads him deeper into the prison, while gloating about the security.]

One way in, one way out, one thousand guards, and one prisoner.

Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung...

[The warden and the palace goose step into an elevator.]

[to guards] Take us down.

[The guards obey, and the elevator descends in the darkness towards the very bottom area of the prison. Vachir shakes the elevator to scare Zeng, and laughs at his frightened reaction. Eventually they reach the bottom. Zeng is led towards a set of heavily-armored doors, which open one after the other.]

Oh my...

[The final door falls forward, creating a bridge towards a circular stone island in the middle of the abyss. In the middle of the island is a figure shrouded in darkness.]

Behold, Tai Lung.

[Zeng's eyes widen.]

I'll, um... I'm just gonna wait right here.

[Laughs.] It's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly safe. [He pushes Zeng across the bridge, and follows after.] Crossbows! At the ready!


[In sentry towers around the walls of the prison, guard train enormous crossbows on the figure on the island as Vachir and Zeng approach. Tai Lung, once a mighty kung fu warrior, is now weighed down with chains attached to enormous rocks hanging over the sides of the island, immobilized by a special stone tortoise shell on his back.]

Hey, tough guy! Did you hear? Oogway's finally going to give someone the Dragon Scroll and it's not going to be you!
"Ok, maybe its best not to anger him."Branch said, a little cautious about Tai Lung's supposed ferocity .

What are you doing? Don't get him mad!

What's he gonna do about it? I've got him completely immobilized. [He stamps on Tai Lung's tail, which crunches on impact. Zeng leaps back with a gasp, but Tai Lung makes no movement. Vachir laughs.] Awww, did I step on the witty kitty's tail? Awww...
"Well, i'll be riled up if he did that to me.So u should stop now,noshörning."Puss said, frowning.

I'm good! I've seen enough! I'm gonna tell Shifu he's got nothing to worry about.

No he doesn't. [They walk back across the bridge.]

Okay I'll tell him. Can we please go now?...

[Zeng and Vachir walk out of view. Meanwhile, Zeng's feather floats down and rests right in front of Tai Lung... and his eyes open. He whips out his tail and snatches the feather.
The group tensed up.
"He's gonna escape, i know it."Skipper said with some dramatic melancholy behind the words.
"Skipper, its logically impossible to escape with a feather. Although..."Kowalski responded.
"He could escape, Ruby seems to know."Private said.

Meanwhile, with the guardians...
"Escape? Please. I may be an expert at breaking out of prison, but how is a feather gonna be of any use?"Rocket scoffed.
"I am groot."
"Just because Ruby hinted it, it doesnt mean shit! She could be wrong and crazy for all we know."

"Clear skies,clear skies..."Ruby growled in an attempt to calm down from Rocket's comment, hoping that remembering Rocket's past will keep her from killing him.

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