How YOU get their attention

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Stan: You would say "Hm.. Where should I hide the alcohol..?" Which always works

Kyle: You would just snatch his hat from his head and then he'll snatch it from your hands and put it back on his head and listen to you

Kenny: You would just jump onto Kenny idk-

Eric Cartman: Throw soft stuff him?..

Craig: Make tiny paper ball things and fling them at him

Tweek: Give him COFFEEEE

Tolkien: He'll always give you attention.
most of the time....

Clyde: just randomly cuddle him?..

Jimmy: You would try make up some random jokes but probably fail so he helps by telling you some more jokes he made up

Gregory: You would just play with his hair maybe since he always catches you trying to scare him

Ze mole: You would just try help him dig idk?..

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