Part 1

11 2 2

Dear Diary,            11/7/1875
My uncle,Willam gave me a new book today as my birthday present.Which I find it as a little odd since my birthday is in the next three weeks.But on the book there was a piece of paper stucked on it and it was written by my uncle.The paper said "I love you Anastasia but I won't ever be able to see you ever again I'm afraid.Please take good care of yourself and your cousin,Aurora.I hope everything will be just as fi-" but he didn't finish writing it,there was even a drop of tear on the paper.The paper was also very crumbled and looks like it was gonna torn in pieces! I was so confused but I planned on asking my parents about it tomorrow.I found it really weird on the paper saying "I won't be able to ever see you again".Then I realized the time,it was already passed my bed time! I just hope father didn't noticed or I'll get scolded real bad.I'll ask my parents about this tomorrow I have to go to bed now.Goodnight!

I'm so sorry this is so short! Part two is out too btw.

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