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Author pov.
It was a nice and calm night . Y/n went from their aftr sometime to homebut she didn't knewed someone was waiting for her there. She reached home .
Y/n- i am home tae. Ughh it was very tiring.
Taehyung- hi y/n how was your girls out.
Y/n- not good .
Taehyung- why ? What happened.
Y/n- we were going to watch a movie but an important work came and we have to stay at home .
Taehyung- oh it's ok. Don't worry.
Y/n- i know but see what i got ( exited)
Taehyung- what is this.
Y/n- come in i will show you .
Taehyung- aaa y/n- she never listens to me .
Y/n went in very quickly and saw her parents and taehyung parents there. Her smile quickly faded and the bag falled of her hand .
Mrs. Lee- hi y/n you are home . How are you .
Mrs. Kim- y/n my dear how are you .
Y/n- i am fine and you all
Mrs. Kim- totally fine.
Mr. Kim- what is in that bag y/n.
Y/n- uhh n-nothing .
Mrs. Kim- oh come on show us too .
Y/n- m-m-mom it's nothing
Taehyung tooked the bag .
Taehyung- let me show what is in it .
Y/n 's eye widened and she tried to take it back but it was too late he took the bag and puted on the table .
Taehyung- let's see .
Y/n- taehyung it's nothing don't open it .
Taehyung- yaa you were so excited to show me this outside why not now.
Taehyung started to open it .
Y/n- please don't open it now ( in mind)
Y/n closed her eyes and a gasp was heared . Y/n knewed what was coming to happen.
Mrs. Lee- y/n!!!. How many times i have told you not to eat it . It is too spicy and you were going to drink sprite in night .
Y/n- mommm . It's not that much spicy and it's so tasty .
Mrs. Lee- it has warnings too
how many times i have told you it's not good for health.

 Lee- it has warnings too how many times i have told you it's not good for health

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Mr. Lee- that's why you were saying not to open .
Y/n- yeah dad .
Mr. Lee- why did you opened it son ( sad yet funny face)
Y/n- didn't i told you not to open it .
Mrs.Lee- yaa listen to me when i am talking to you and why are you scolding him huh??
Mr. Lee- now she will not stop son do something ( whispers
While mr. And mrs. kim were laughing.
Mrs. Kim- mrs. Lee now stop it isn't that much bad . We came here for dinner.
Mrs. Lee- oh yeah .
Y/n- i will go cook dinner.
Mrs. Kim- no need the food is ready and served on the dining table. Let's go.
They all went to eat the food

 They all went to eat the food

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