new enemy's truth

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Author pov
Lisa- y/n let's go and start training for the fight .
Y/n- hmm
As they were going y/n got a call everyone knewed who can it be . Y/n picked the phone .
On the call
Y/n- hello.
??- y/n you really thought you will be safe from me if you will run away .
Y/n- i didn't raned now tell me who are you in real .
??- if you want to know come to xxxx i will tell you everything but come alone
Phone ended .
Lisa- you aren't going alone . He is dangerous y/n .
Y/n- i have to go i want to know who killed my parents.
Taehyung- you aren't going alone . We are with you .
Y/n- no you will not . That's finale.
Jisso- okh y/n. We will not come with you
Jimin- what are you saying .
Jin- okh we will not .
Y/n went from there took her weapons
Y/n dress

 Y/n went from there took her weapons Y/n dress

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Taehyung- are you all mad . How can you let her go alone . Why aren't you all saying anything ( shouts)
Jisso- taehyung shut up . We are doing what is right .
Taehyung- oh yeah really. If he did anything to my y/n i will never forgive you all .
Jin- why huh we are doing the right thing . Why can't you understand.
Taehyung- you all know how much dangerous he is y/n can't fight him alone he needs us . I am going with her .
Suga- yaaa taehyung!!!
Suga pulled him with the collar.
Taehyung- please let me go I can't lose her . Please.
Suga- stop acting like a child . She is the mafia queen.
Taehyung- so what she is like a child . What if something happened to her . I can't risk .
Rm- why
Taehyung- because i love her. Yeah i love her . So much more than anything.
Taehyung gets on his knees and cries.
Jisso- we know that . There is no use going with her . She won't let us go with her . We will go but after .
Y/n pov .
I was driving my car as fast as i could i reached their . Anger was clearly seen in my eyes . I kicked the door
Y/n- yaaaa where are you .
??- awww you are here y/n . Ohh i see you are in the right position.
Author pov
Y/n- what do you mean.
bts and blackpink came . They were behind her .
??- ohhh i told you to come alone didn't i . So what are they doing here .
Y/n- guys didn't i told you not to come
??- aahhh don't worry it will be more fun now .
They all got trapped in a cage .
Y/n- why you all camed here!
??-ahh don't scold them pumpkin .
Y/n looked at him with tears in her eyes .
Y/n- w-what did you called me right now .
??- pumpkin yeah
Y/n- how did you knew this only my parents and un-
Y/n looked to him .
Y/n- show me you face now ( shouts )
??- okh
He removes his mask . Y/n falls on the floor after seeing his face .
Y/n- no no it can't be true . U-uncle han . You did this all . Why huh whyyyyyy.
Mr. Han- well your father took everything that was mine . Firstly he took my position then my love . He married her .
Y/n- noo this isn't true they loved each other. Why you killed them uncle why ? ( crying hard)
Mr. Han- i wanted my revenge now i will kill you too.
Jisso- no y/n fight .
Mr. Han- oh really she will never hurt his uncle.
Lisa- y/n he isn't your uncle.
Jisso- we have searched for him for years.
Rose- you have to .
Y/n- you are a murderer. You killed my parents my love . You are a monster.
Y/n went to him and pulled his collar. She beated him . But as he was stronger than her . He pushed her . The fight was long y/n was at urge of losing when lisa kicked him . They all come around him pointing there guns to him .
Mr. Han- gurds ! Guards. Where the hell are they .
Jimin- ummm maybe in hell!.
Rose- oh shit someone killed them maybe us .
Mr. Han- no you didn't. You all will regret it .
He pushed a button and there was smoke and smoke .
When the smoke was clear he was standing there in front of them . He was holding yn. Pointing his gun on y/n head .
Taehyung- no don't shoot y/n . Leave her .
Mr. Han- why would i .
Y/n- leave me .
Mr. Han- i will after running your white dress by your bl00d .
He took a knife and cuted y/n hand
Y/n- ahhh!
He made several cuts on her she was bleeding.
Jisso- leave her.
Mr. Han- no one will come near .
He pushed y/n in front and shooted. *Bang*
Everyone closed their eyes and tears went down from everyone's eyes.
Y/n- nooooooo.
Everyone was shocked after hearing her voice everyone looked to the body thier.
Mr. Han- son why did you came in between.
Y/n- why you did this all minjun. Why you comed here.
Minjun- because i heared my dad saying the truth and i wanted to save you . I opened the cage and came here. That's all i can do . Sorry for whatever my dad did .
Y/n- no .
Mr. Han- son!!!
Y/n wiped her tears off. Stood up anger was seen in her eyes . Her bl00d boiled in anger . She took her gun and shooted him but not killed him . She went near him .
Y/n- you deserve this all . I will kill you like you killed my parents.
Mr. Han touched y/n thinking that she will be afraid because of the bl00d .
Y/n- you think i will go after seeing bl00d no . Now i am not afraid of it ( whispers )
She tooks a needle out .
Y/n- remember it . You killed my parents with this . Now it's your turn
She poked it into his heart and he died there . There was a fountain of bl00d it went on y/n face .
Y/n went towards minjun
Y/n- took him to the doctor.
Lisa- y/n?there is bl00d on you . Let me wipe it .
Y/n- don't worry i am not afraid of it now . Let's go my revenge is over . Mom dad see i took your revenge . I miss you both.
They all went from there to their houses.
To be continued
Hiiii butterflies how are you alll . Hope you all are fine .
Well there is an announcement. I think you all aren't liking this story because. You all aren't telling me how this story is in comments. So i was thinking i will stop writing it .i will just write one more chapter. Bye be safe and love you all .

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