Chapter Two - Ascent

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A website published by BGEF advertising Project Ascent to investors dated 22nd November 2030.

Project Ascent:

What is Project Ascent?

Project Ascent is the latest initiative from our scientists at BGEF. Thanks to recent scientific discoveries, our scientists predict that mankind will be able to travel to planets light years away by 2045.

Where will the spaceships travel to?

We plan to send ships to Kepler 22-b. Normally, this would be unfathomable but with our revolutionary new fuel source we believe that a ship could take as little as 4-5 years to make the journey.

Can I visit Kepler 22-b?

At this time, no. We don't even know what we will find on Kepler 22-b. Firstly, we will send up a team of expert explorers and astronauts to chart the planet. Secondly, a team of scientists will be sent up so they can establish an outpost there. Thirdly, a construction team will be sent up to establish industry and infrastructure. Finally, we may be able to send civilians up to explore Kepler 22-b (at a fairly hefty price of course).

Surely a normal spaceship wouldn't be suitable for this kind of travel?

Yes, you are right. Luckily, we have designed a line of new ships that CAN make the journey. These ships are nothing like the clunky space shuttles that you are used to. See them for yourself at our Project Ascent Investor Event on December 15th at The QEII Centre in London. An event only available for our investors.

How can I gain access to this prestigious event?
Click here to invest in this project and you will automatically receive your E-invitation.

DON'T miss out on this event.

INVEST now or you may lose your place.

HELP your friends out by sharing your invitation with them.

MEet famous celebrities who have also invested.

THEY invested so you should too!

KNOW what your place is amongst the cosmos.

A conversation between Gary Pochard and Mohammed Abbas in 'The Swallow and Blacksmith' Pub in Larkshire dated 17th December 2030

Gary: Hey Mo how are ya?

Mo: Not too bad mate. You?

Gary: Yeah nothin' much goin' on with me.

Mo: Same here. Though it feels like I'm being watched...

Gary: Yeah, what if there was someone watchin' us RIGHT NOW! [turns and stares at Mohammed]

Mo: Wait is there really someone watching?

Gary: Nah mate I'm just pullin' yer leg.

Mo: [laughs humorlessly] Ah okay. Seriously though the police keep asking me questions about that meteor. They're really concerned. It's like they think I somehow stole, like, half of the meteor before they got there.

Gary: [chuckles] Yeah you ran for the hills when that happened.

Mo: But why didn't you? We could've died. I knew that I shouldn't have that joke about God...

Gary: I dunno mate. It was like, erm, really pretty and I was, like, I dunno, uh, staring at it. It was just so pretty, y'know.

Mo: The police haven't been bothering you lately too? Barry keeps saying that he's getting harassed too. Says that the papers keep asking him for statements and all that.

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