H o w W e M e t

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Hello, I'm so glad you are giving my book a chance. I'm so excited for you to start reading and I really hope you like it.
Quick note- I started this story a long time ago, like years ago, and decided why not post it. So this is just a little heads up that the first couple chapters may be bad but it will get better, I hope.
01; How We Met

I went straight to my locker after walking thought the door to hell-I mean school- who am I kidding I mean hell. I started to stack my books neatly in my locker when suddenly the rest where shoved out of my hands on to the floor.
"Oops, you should be more care next time, something really bad could have happen and it would be all your fault." Oh look it's the devil with her fake sugar sweet voice, kicking my books away. "You wouldn't want to like her" I held the tears back in my watery eyes, I knew exactly what she was talking about, everyone did but very few mentioned it.
Just great, now I'm left with a empty hall with my books scattered around and late for English. Quickly grabbing my books well rushing to my class.
"Miss Woods your late"
No duh, I begin walking to my sit.
"After school detention" Miss Blackwell commands, I walked back to her desk and grab the detention slip with a fake smile.
You see she's Miss Blackwell for a reason, no one likes her except her endless number cats but I wouldn't be surprised  they didn't like her either.
Here I am in Miss Blackwell's class and I'm beyond bored, like I'm bored of being bored if you know what I mean. I pulled out my math book and a piece of paper to start my homework when I heard the chair next to me move. I froze not knowing what to do.

"So are you new to town or something?"

You got to be kidding me, I turned to face the very stupid boy with caramel brown hair and blue eyes. I grabbed my piece of paper and scribbled on ' I lived here all my life ' before sliding it over to him.

"Oh, I never seen you before." Of course you haven't your Mr. Bad boy popular and I'm Ms. Nobody. I grabbed the paper with sigh and wrote ' go away ' before sliding it to him once again. He stared at the for a while then added 'never' to 'go away' making it say 'never go away'.

"Aww that's so sweet of you!" He gushed as I let my hair fall around my face and put my hand over my mouth to hide my laugh. My face started burning like fire when he pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. Awkwardly I cleared my throat and look away knowing I probably brighter than firetruck.

"Oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH! EHARMONY FOUND ME A DATE!Oh my gosh, detention is over. I SAID GET OUT OF HERE!" Miss Blackwell yells out while rushing out of class. Casually I walk to the door of the classroom than I ran out the building and a safe distance from Mr. Bad Boy. Walking the somewhat short distance to my house while taking in the beauties of earth. The smell of the fresh air, the soft wind gliding past my skin, the light chirps of the birds. Its all so beautiful as if it was taken straight out of a picture but a picture can not capture this much beauty. And all this beauty destroyed by one really stupidly cute, prettiest shades of caramel brown and blue in his hair and eyes, Mr.Bad boy.

"Hey!" he shouted out his car as i let my hair fall around my face while i quicken my pace.

"Don't you want a ride?" He asked me as I continued to ignore him.

"Come on" Mr. Bad boy says a little annoyed which only makes me more annoyed. "No I'm only like ten steps away from my house" I replied with no intention of getting a reply but luck is never on my side.

"Ten steps don't have to walk" Bad boy commented as I give up at this little game his playing with frustration. While I get into the car I see the adorable smile of victory.

"I'm Luke"   'I know everybody knows how you are.' I thought but kept to myself till I noticed how slow we were moving.

"Can you drive any slower?" I question with annoyance and frustration as turn to Luke who wore a wickedly proud smile on his face. That's when I noticed we were going even slower I was Second doubting myself if we were even moving.

"I think I figured out what your problem is," Luke stopped the car as I glared at as he continues to talk," you put yourself in a bubble with no one else in it, it's probably why your such a downer, that why you won't talk to me or anyone us in this world. But one day I will get you to have a full conversation with me."

"This isn't a conversation?" I said the only thing that pop in my head as I got out the car and walked straight into my house. As soon as I entered my house I shut the door and locked it. Resting my back on the door as I slowly slid down thinking to myself.
What just happened ?
A/N: What do you think of the story so far?
Who was the mean girl talking about in very beginning of the chapter? Any guess
Quick question what do you think Luke's last name should be? 
Please vote/comment ! Thank you!


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