Part 13

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Dear Arlie, 02/03

I know you probably hate me. But please please understand I did this for the best. You needed the help. I love you to much to let you sit in a unhealthy envoirment. It'll be over soon though. Don't worry.

Love, Ethan

Ethan- February 4th

You're right. I do hate you.

-- Arlie

Arlie, 02/06

Its okay. I love you enough that I dont care what you think of me. Please be open to the doctors. Ive kept in contact with them. You do have bipolar disorder. If we work together, and ask God for help, we can easily get past this. Its a rocky road. But I don't believe thats you. Its a label the enemy wants to put on you. But your a child of the one true king, and thats better than anything else on earth. Just please Don't be upset.

Love you, forever, Ethan

Tessa, February 5th

I cant stand it in here. I need to get out before I pull my hair out. The fact that They cut off contact except for writing is terrible. I want hear everyones voice. I feel empty. But anyway Hows the shop going? And Alina and Sadie? I miss them. I feel like Im on time out. I hate Ethan for doing this.

Love -Arlie

Hey Arlie, 02/07

You haven't been returning my letters. I know your upset. You can stay mad as long as you want but it won't help you. If you want to make a difference drop to your knees and cry out. But gees I love you girl. Please dont make this harder than it already is.

Your dearest Ethan

Hey Arlie! Feb. 7

Everything's great. The shops spectacular. I even introduced the spring line of drinks. Our special of the month is triple berry Iced tea. I'm actually really loving this. Alina is still alina. Though shes been a little less bratty. Sadie is lovely as always. Her dance recital is at the end of next month. They sent order forms for her costume, so I got it for you. Its so cute. Their supposed to be butterfly fairies. Shes the green butterfly. She asks about you alot. We just tell her your very sick. Don't worry. I have to agree with Ethan on this decision. Anyway, get better babes. Your needed here.

You're best friend, Tessa

Ethan- February 9th

Im not ignoring you. Why did you send me here? I'm scared that what their saying true. I don't want to be here. Get me out of here.


Hey sis, Feb. 10

I miss you. But I think this is a good idea. I dont want you to be like mom. That was a bad enough. everything was normal. Now its not when your all depressed and stuff. If you're breaking. I feel like I'm breaking. I had to deal with it once. You were my solid rock. I don't expect you to be perfect, but please don't bring me down with you.

Your sister, Alina

Babe, 02/11

Arlie its okay to be scared. Just open up to them. The faster you let yourself be better, the faster it'll happen. Just understand I was protecting you from getting worst. Lets be better soon. I miss you like crazy.

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