Part 26

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"Our wedding party includes," I start "Tessa, Who will be my Maid of Honor," I hand her the gift "Alina, Maci, Bryn and Emily, Who will be bridesmaids" I try to avoid looking at Chloe or Jades faces at this moment.

"As for the Groomsmen," Ethan takes over " Sawyer, Knox, and My two of my cousins will all be groomsmen. But Nash, I would Like you to be my Best Man."

"I'd be honored Dude." Nash smiles and they do some kind of weird guy hug thing.

"Jade, We were wondering if you would be our photographer?" I ask her hopefully. this brings a smile to her face.

"Of Course. I would love to!"

"And Chloe, if you don't mind, singing our wedding song."

"I feel like you could sing your own wedding song, with your voice, but sure." She chuckles lightly

"Peirce, dude, this was extremely hard, but my family being apart of the wedding had to come first. but we still want you to be apart of this. So would you like to be an usher?" Ethan asks

"No hard feelings. I know its hard. That's why I'm not looking forward to my wedding. I would love to though."

"Thanks for having a Godly Attitude about this. You make this so much easier."

"Wait, your not looking forward to your wedding?" Chloe asks Challenging.

"You guys are getting married?" Alina chirps

"No were not, but I didn't mean it that way." Pierce says nervously

"Then how did you mean it?"

"Okay who wants desert?" I ask loudly to save Pierce from the hole he just dug himself into. Everyone stands up and heads to the kitchen, where I had prepared a vanilla cake and ice cream. I take the top off of the Cookies and cream Icecream container and lick the lid.

"That's unsanitary." Ethan whispers in my ear taking it from me and handing me an icecream scoop. I start dishing out bowls while Maci cuts the cake and Chloe serves the Strawberry ice cream.

"That went really good." I tell him as he stands behind me.

" I think so. I think everyone is pleased."

"Most def." I nod in agreement. "I feel like it only gets easier from here.

"Nah. We still gotta pick out our wedding colors."

"Don't remind me." I groan

"But I am looking forward to the cake testing."

"Excuse me? I'm making my own cake." I tell him laughing as I fill the last bowl and lick the ice cream scoop. He rolls his eyes as I turn to face him

"Are you gonna be able to do that on top of everything else?"

"Yes. I'm not paying out of pocket money for a cake I can make myself.'"

"Hey its your wedding. I'm not gonna argue."

"Good" I wink jokingly before grabbing my bowl and cake and heading to sit with everyone.

"What are the guys doing?" Maci groans as she cuts into the first giant watermelon in front of her

"Who knows but they have been gone forever." Chloe mumbles while shucking corn with Alina and Jade at the kitchen table.

" They said they were just getting fireworks." I chuckle, as I mix the vanilla pudding I was making to put into a fourth of July Cake. Today was Independence day so we were having a huge barbecue. I invited all the employees from the shop and some friends from church and all there husbands and some other friends weve made Bryn and Alina both invited friends tonight also. So far though the girls have been doing all the work. The guys left almost three hours ago to go get fireworks.

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