This one is dedicated to all the girls I know. And Shambhavi, thanks for the beautiful idea, hope you like your little birthday gift. :)
I’m sure that when I came into this world, your face was shining with glee,
You were selfless enough to stand aside, to let Mom have the first sight of me.
Since then you haven’t stopped the sacrifices, you did everything to keep me going,
From being a toddler-to girl-to woman, you silently filled all the gaps that were showing.
You gave to me every little pleasure I know, and you found happiness in my every squeal,
You trusted me to sit on your lap and drive, when I could barely hold the steering wheel.
You were always my strongest protector, the first and most trusted line of my defence,
You raised me carefully with everything good, and the bad you meticulously cleansed.
Of all the times I was found begging for support, you blindly offered to be my staff,
You did silly things (like rub your stubble on my face), just about anything to see me laugh.
You lay the whole world right at my feet, and made it so embarrassingly simple to walk,
Your gentle yet strong presence always around me, negated in my life the infinite shocks.
You surrendered your life, all to my cause, attached yourself to everything within my sights
No wonder I loved being Daddy’s little girl, (not just because you took my side in fights).
You’ve been an inspiration and a hero too, rescuing me every time when I sat down and cried
Brothers, boyfriends or husband for that matter, can’t match your greatness if they tried.
You groomed me for life’s bigger stage, and you did it relentlessly without a single pause
You watched me perform behind the scenes, even when YOU deserved all the applause
God knows the million times when I fell, you managed to make me fight another day,
You were there on all the big occasions, to hold me steady whenever I’d sway.
What else could I have asked from my life? You mapped out everything before I knew it,
You made sure no opportunity slipped me by, even if I was unaware and stupidly threw it.
You won this woman’s heart, from the very start, in a way that will never again be won,
With all that you’ve ever done for me Dad, you left God’s wildest expectations stunned.
I love you for all the uncompromising love, which flows from your blood and every bone
Thank you for giving me so much happiness, even before you thought of your own.