Staying Strong.

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                            Staying Strong.

Sometimes I wish my soul could unlock, all these shackles which hold me still

Sometimes I wish my story was simple, as nursery rhymes like Jack and Jill.

The sun scorches all my rotting skin, as I sit down at the same place on the road,

Fearful, anxious.. as the pimp watches, from the shadows of his comfy abode.

Every now and then a demon arrives, in bodies bereft of thoughtful hearts,

Did God mean this when he said, that in life "we all have to play our parts"?

The demon would make sick demands, what I endured nobody would listen,

I was used, abused, thoroughly destroyed, forced into infinite tears of submission.

At times even I would forget the fact, that my body was  of 16 and no more

Never built to last such blatant cruelty, and any intentions to bear such gore.

Some nights stretch to the break of dawn, I wake up in a pool of my own tears,

I die a thousand deaths every single day, dwelling upon each of the valid fears.

Fears that everyday I skate on very thin ice, that one of these days I'll skid

That I might embrace death with HIV, or get pregnant with someone's kid.

You see I'm denied all the integrity, when I say I'm forced to sell my own flesh,

God alone knows how I hate the dark, how much I keep praying to start afresh.

I hate being taken all the time for granted, like I'm made from roadside trash,

I hate dreaming of a distant tomorrow, then ultimately watching it crash.

I can tell you how it feels to see, the door to every chance being slammed shut,

How embarrasing it is when I struggle all day, and in the end I'm labelled a slut.

I'm stranded all alone for most of my life, but I do know that I will never quit,

I know I'm braver than half the world, thanks to facing the worst of life's shit.

I might wake up exactly the same next morning too, with nothing for being so stable

The same old people, the same old story, tagged forever with the "prostitute" label.

Atleast I'll hold my head up high, when I'm on the streets I'll return the ugly stare

to show everyone that I might be struggling, but I know I'm slowly getting there.

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